Common World News

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Circadian newspapers, delivered to your doorstep.


Once again, folks of the Other World don't know their up from their down as a previously murdered God makes his return from the dead.

Reports just in from the Common World bar 'Morio's' as immortals gossip about the terms of 'Eros's' return to the land of the living. According to several wiccan astronomers, the God's return had been detected through a change in the stars. Details surrounding a 'powerful immortal's return' had been auctioned off and sold on Morio's infamous bulletin boards.

According to our anonymous source, the King came "bounding in", tearing through any immortal who stood in his way of the board.

Our journalists headed to the Lupine Territories, seeking out Queen Evette for further intel. According to one 'Seth the Tracker', Eros' astounding return from the dead can only mean one thing: "Necrophilia is back in play."

So, the question stands: who is Eros? Research suggests that the God walked amongst us some six hundred years ago, right before the event of his mysterious assassination. In life, Eros was said to guard the 'lake of angels', connecting fallen Valkyrie to our world.

Since this discovery, immortals of all kinds have been flocking to Veneficus. Read below for Queen Annaliese's statement on the hot goss.


"It has been brought to my attention that an ancient, powerful God has been resurrected. Since then, people of all kinds have journeyed to our lands, proffering money and goods for their loved ones to receive this same service. Though we will happily take your money, this job is not within wiccan means. Witches are strictly forbidden from meddling with the dead. Any such magic is dark and will lead to imminent execution. However, as it stands, resurrection is impossible. I am certain the truth surrounding Eros' 'resurrection' is not quite as it seems. And, in lieu of all this, any damage to wiccan kind and homes will be paid for severely by the perpetrators. That is all."

Read More:

Ragnarök: Exactly what is the chess board? Know Thy Neighbour: How to identify a God from the average immortal? Fairy or Furry: The new trend sending pixies around the bend.

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