Chapter Thirty-Five

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After portal jumping, the first thing Angie did was head to the nearest bed for a nap. Eros said the portal jumpers would get easier on her body, but they were taking their merry time.

Apparently, they were staying in the Greek home of one of Claudio's close friends. The King explained that exchanging favours was sort of what he and his friend did. For the first night in a while, Angie had pyjamas to sleep in. They were the clothes of one of Claudio's friends. This Evie woman was a little smaller than Angie, so the clothes clung to her figure tightly, but they were better than sleeping in her lingerie again.

Angie wasn't complaining.

As she went about her nightly skincare routine, she bit down on her tongue, trying her hardest not to think about the angel God.

He was still being funny with her.

Since his outburst on the boat about the book, he'd returned to not saying a word.

It was like he was punishing her.

But come on! None of this was her fault.

Angie didn't want the dreams. She hadn't asked for them. And surely he understood that there were hundreds of things stopping her from telling him.

If it wasn't her initial lack of trust in him, then there were still plenty of other things.

Her life was on the line here. Keeping those dreams a secret felt like the only power she'd had in her play. What did he want? An apology?

He'd put her through worse.

Besides, it was hardly a dangerous secret.

With moisturised and cleansed skin, she headed into the living room that overlooked the gardens.

Claudio was already sat there, staring out the floor to ceiling windows.

At the sound of footsteps, he tilted his head in her direction.


God he was intimidating. Somehow, Claudio looked like a hardened warrior seasoned by war and a puppy all at the same time.

When he gave her that friendly smile, she just about melted. "You can just call me Angie, you know. That's what everyone calls me."

"Alright Angie. Can I help you?"

"I... I've got a few questions." Questions that her dead God friend obviously wasn't going to answer. That would mean putting his grudge aside first and speaking to her. And Angie wasn't one to fight in a losing war. "I was wondering if you could help me with them."

He pointed to the seats around him, hinting for her to sit down. "Ask away."

She settled into the sofa, leg bouncing nervously. "I was wondering what you know about dreams."

Since hers were at the roots of all this mess.

"Dreams?" He raised an eyebrow, leaning forwards in interest.

"No specific dreams. Just dreams in general. Eros seems to think they mean something."

He said not to suppress them. That they could have a purpose.

He hadn't really helped her out much. Instead, he'd relit the spark of curiosity. Now she had to know.

"I suppose they're different from person to person," Claudio offered. "I have a friend who sees the future in her dreams. Some of my greatest ideas come to me in dreams."

"So... you think they have a purpose?"

"Dreams are powerful. They're not my area of expertise. Have you been having bad dreams, Angie?"

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