Chapter Fifty

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Her back hit a feathery bed. A bed so luxurious and heavenly it felt like she was laying amongst clouds.

Eros stood before her, staring down at her lustfully. Passionately. Promisingly. He promised her eternity and a love that she'd never felt before.

He promised her a new life of everything she'd ever wanted.

He grabbed the bedposts of a canopy bed with both hands, releasing a heavy, pent-up breath at the contact.

He could touch them.

Sight. I can see. And good lord, he saw his favourite sight. Angie upon his bed, staring at him so expectantly, her legs opened to accommodate him. Shorts itching up her legs as per usual, inviting him closer. Her lips were parted, eyelashes fluttering with her muddy blonde hair falling about herself.

Hearing. I can hear. And God damn it, it was one of his favourite sounds. Just his eyes upon her had her breathing heavily, low moans falling from her sexpot lips. His name fell amongst her sexy pleas. Angie was begging for his touch.

Taste. I can't wait to taste. Her sweet juices. Her dangerous tongue. Anything she could give him. Angie was his favourite taste. His favourite spice.

Smell. He could smell her perfume. He could scent her desire. The way she needed him. The way she yearned for him.

And touch. How much longer could he hold out without her touch? Without feeling her skin, her hair, her plump lips?

"Are you going to stand there watching all day or will you join me?"

Evil. Angie was evil to him.

"Just taking you all in. Making sure I appreciate this."

"Do you mind hurrying it up birdman? I'm waiting."

"We're going to have to start that strike system back up, aren't we?"

She shuffled back upon his bed, pressing her back to the headboard.

"Come on Eros. Hurry up."

He cursed, knowing his self-control would only get him so far. Angie would tease it away from him, piece by pathetic piece.

He tore the pin from his toga, already missing the time where she'd have had to touch him for such a menial task.

But he'd bring it back. He'd always have her hands on him before long.

He tugged the toga off, delighting in the spike of her breathing.

She shuffled out of her shorts, fighting them down her legs, eager to meet him in the middle.

"This is going to hurt," He reminded her, his power surging to the surface as though his body knew what was coming.

"I know," She answered. "But I know you'll make it as easy for me as you can."

When his knees hit the bed, wetness pooled at Angie's core, readiness mixed with eagerness. She reached out for his shoulders with one hand, nails scraping along his tanned back as she pulled him nearer. With the other, she rubbed angry circles into her clit, fingers glistening with his favourite juices.

"Please, Eros." She pressed a fleeting kiss to his collar bone. "I need you."

Fuck, he needed her more.

She sat up to meet his lips in a sweet kiss, breathing him in, downloading his taste to her memory.

Her hand fell to his cock, stroking his length.

"How much is it going to hurt?" She asked way too conversationally considering what her hands were doing. She fondled his bollocks, eyes never straying from his.

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