Chapter Five

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Angie should've been happy. Tonight, she'd done everything she wanted. She'd pissed her Mother off and cleared off with her friends, exactly like she'd planned.

But as she peered at her own reflection in the Montague's bathroom, she was hit by that same loneliness she'd been feeling since her Dad died.

Clearly, she'd have to give Liv and Ted the slip later tonight. If she wanted to get anything decent out of her night, that is. Tonight, their googly eyes were worse. Teaming up against her, she could see it was going to be one of those nights.



Her head shot around, and there he was. The guy in the toga. The guy from her Mother's party.


And he was watching her. Nothing but her.

Wow, I'm flattered.

He was already borderline creepy.

Stalking me? How sweet.

Was there a panic button somewhere?

"What are you doing in here?"

"I was looking for you."

She frowned. Had he gone crazy?

"In the girl's toilets, weirdo." She gave his chest a hard push when he advanced closer. Of course, it didn't move him. Eros felt the tingles of being touched and revelled in them, basking in it. "You can't be in here. For starters, the men's room is in the other corridor. Secondly, what the—what are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you."

Since she had his answers.

This was more proof. More evidence mounting that somehow, Evangeline was of importance to him. No one around here could see him but her.

That had to mean something.

"You followed me."

"No. I didn't follow you." All he'd done was think about her. After that, he'd simply appeared nearby. "But thanks for the reminder that you used me."

She scoffed, cheeks reddening ever so slightly. "Oh please, don't act like you didn't benefit from it."

He eyed her up and down, gaze lingering on the curve of her lips.

"I didn't say I didn't. In fact, if you'd like to use me again, feel free. Any time you like." She rolled her eyes, unconsciously backing up closer to the tiled wall. "But have a little compassion, Evangeline. You broke my heart and my balls walking out like that as if our time together was nothing."

"It was nothing." She folded her arms, eliciting a smirk. Evangeline was see through. She'd crossed her arms to make sure she didn't touch him. To make sure she didn't give into temptation, unwittingly pushing her tits up in the process. "That was you unknowingly doing me a favour and both of us benefitting from it."

"A favour." He tutted theatrically. "Please, Evangeline. You took advantage of me, a poor, vulnerable man, to hurt your Mother. I was a pawn to you, nothing but a toy. I think you owe me an apology."

"I've said it once and I'll say it again. You can't be in here." Her eyes darted towards the door.

"I don't see anything stopping me."

She guffawed, brows shooting up to her hairline.

Yep, he saw getting under her skin becoming a favourite hobby of his. Her reactions did things to him. Each jut of her chin and tiny glare sent a ripple of excitement coursing through him.

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