Chapter Four

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Angie 2

Sheila 0

Sure, fucking a random stranger wasn't a conventional way to one up her Mother, per se, but it clearly did the trick.

Outside the bathroom, shocked guests were milling about. Guests who'd heard her mumbling and moaning through the door. Guests that would spread the news faster than unspayed rabbits shagged.

It was a bonus for Angie. She'd pissed her Mother off whilst boning one out.

She'd be dreaming of that sex for months to come, too.

It was a pity that Eros was a friend of her Mother's. Had he been anyone else, Angie might've made a fuck buddy out of him.

Sheila was watching when she reached the bottom of the staircase. Angie made a point of fixing her dress, just to make sure her Mother knew. One look at Sheila's face?

Her Mother wasn't happy.

Luckily for Angie, she didn't care.

"Right," She said conversationally, fully aware that nosy ears were listening in. "I've made my appearance at your party. I'll be off now."

"Where have you been?" Sheila looked her up and down.

Angie gave back a devilish smirk. "Better question. Where haven't I been? I'd love to hang around and chat, but I have got places to be, so... toodles."

"Don't turn your back on me, young lady."

"Would you prefer I walk backwards?"

Angie was so getting it in the morning. Her Mother's head whipped around, all too wary of prying eyes. The look she sent was promising Angie hell.

But she could deal with it. Angie was a big girl.

At the end of a long, curving drive, a Bentley was parked in the dark, waiting to pick her up. Angie's Mum's chauffeur, Richard, already had the door open for her.

"Where to, Miss DeCentum?"

"I'm meeting Liv and Ted at Montague's."

Following the night's initial plan, Angie would be getting rat arsed. So what if her Mother had a thing or two to say about it? That was the point.

Angie liked to call this revenge. She'd spent most of her life bowing to Sheila's will. These were the years in which the tables were to turn. Her Mother would have to deal with it, just like every fucker else.

"And how, if you don't mind me asking, did your Mother respond to the outfit?"

"Oh she's fuming. Red in the face and spitting feathers."

"I see. A successful evening then, Miss Angie?"

"Couldn't have asked for anything better."

She felt the pang between her legs in memory.

By the time the morning came around, Sheila's entire office—alongside her business associates—would know of Sheila's disappointing daughter who couldn't follow rules and do as she was told.

For once, Sheila was facing a problem she couldn't stifle with money.

As the scenes outside the car blurred into pictures of musty darkness, Angie leaned back, thoughts hitting her from all directions.

Naturally, her fuck of the night had gotten weird on her at the end of it all, but Angie wouldn't let those weird questions taint what'd happened. Getting one off had never been the intention. All she'd wanted to do was piss her Mum off, but then the perfect opportunity had come striding over in a toga.

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