Chapter Seventeen

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On the highspeed TGV from Paris to Milan, Angie bought out a little area by the back of the train where they could talk in private. Of course, with Angie out like the dead within the first ten minutes of boarding, it took a while before they got much talking done.

Eros stared at her sleeping form in curiosity, still trying to figure her out.

He could see she was in the clutches of some sort of nightmare, but he made no effort to wake her. He sensed that would anger her more.

Angie didn't want him to know that these bad dreams were even a thing. So what was she hiding?

Eros was dead, not stupid. Angie was definitely hiding something from him. Logic told him these bad dreams had something to do with it.

When she stirred, he lost interest in the magazine laid out before him, tilting his head to watch her wake.

Clearly she'd had another bad dream. As she blinked, he caught sight of that haunted look in her eyes.

"And she awakens."

She sat up straight, quick to rub her eyes, even quicker to start glaring. "I wasn't asleep."

"Sure you weren't."

"I wasn't."

"Sweet dreams?"

She crossed her arms, slouching back in her chair. "Don't patronise me."

"Don't tease another strike."

Things would be so much easier if they could figure out a way to get along, but it was clear to him now that Angie wouldn't try to. For some reason or another, Angie didn't want to be his friend. She didn't want to work as a team. She didn't want any of this.

Even if it meant being stuck with him for longer, Angie would make this whole ordeal as difficult as possible.

"You think your threats are going to hurt me?" She looked him up and down scathingly. "Physically, you won't hurt me 'cause I'm your key to coming back to life. Like the book said, you need me."

He rubbed his lips together. "Physically, I'd be more than happy to hurt you."

Bend her over my lap, spank her till her ass is raw.

Or maybe they'd prove his existence again like he'd done in her car outside of the therapy office.

Fuck, maybe they could have a repeat of what had gone down in the bathroom.

He'd already seen the effect of dirty talk on Angie. To have her tied to the bed and begging for him would be on another level.

But if that wasn't what Angie wanted...

Her eyes sparked with something fiery. Something feisty.

Take the bait Ange. Go on...

"No chance, fuck boy." Back to this. "I'm way too far above your vulgar ways."

"You weren't when you pulled me into that bathroom."

Just another round would do him. Another bout of Angie would calm him down. That night at her Mother's party she'd been able to distract him with ease.

All he needed was more of that Angie. The flirty Angie.

"Are we going through this again?" She asked.

"I'll bet that was the most mind-blowing orgasm you've ever had in your life."

"And this is where I end this conversation. Thanks for the headache. Seriously, thanks a lot." How do I get her back to the flirting? Maybe the best option was to pretend she still was. To flirt back, even if she didn't. Eros could do that. He'd always been something of a flirt. "So, what are we supposed to do when we get to Greece? Do you think the book person actually knows what they're doing?"

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