Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Angie stared in wonder as the waves brushed against the side of their large speedboat. The demons had rented it out for the day, deeming it the quickest and most effective form of transport.

Angie wasn't complaining.

Anything beat the walking.

Although she was mad at the God for keeping his secrets, she watched him in fascination as he stared out across the water.

Sure, they had boats back in his day, but certainly not boats of this nature. Boats with a great whacking motor. Boats that could take you from point A to B in a matter of minutes.

The breeze had Angie's hair billowing in the wind, her sunglasses slipping down her nose as she basked in the heat. For a few minutes, she could pretend to be on some lavish holiday.

She sensed speedboat was a new favourite mode of transport for the angel God.

Feeling her stare, he slanted her a glance, but she scrunched her nose up and huffed.

Angie was pissed off.

He sighed, evidently knowing why.

"Come on Ange. I'm not keeping secrets on purpose. I don't want to keep things from you."

"Then tell me what you know."

He grimaced, caught out. "I can't yet. I want to, trust me I want to. But now's not the time. When the time's right, I'll tell you."

"How convenient."

His lips thinned into a straight line, his eyebrows furrowing with irritation. Sighing, he gave her thigh a squeeze. "I'll make this up to you."

Her stomach flipped, churning with unease.

"You might not have to."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Angie focused her gaze on the horizon. Anything to avoid looking at him. She knew the demons were listening to her speak, but they were only getting one side of a conversation. They had no chance of understanding it.

"You'll be alive again before the week is up. You and I will be parting ways. There's no need to make anything up to me when you and I are never going to see each other again. I'd rather you didn't waste your efforts."

Even if she wanted to keep seeing him again. Even if she wanted this attachment to last. Even if she wanted him to remember her.

"Is that what's happening then? You and I are to part ways, never to see each other again?"

"That's what I figured."

"From what?"

Her knees began to bounce. "I'm not supposed to be involved in your world, right? I'm not supposed to know anything about it. For me and you to keep seeing each other, staying in touch, that would mean breaking all of your Other World rules. I'm told breaking those rules ends in punishment."

"So we part ways?"

"I guess so."

He nodded slowly. "Is that what you want?"

Of course not! Maybe a while ago the thought of having rid of him had excited her, but things had changed since then. Now, they had an understanding. Angie had... soft feelings for him. Feelings she didn't want to think about because they were feelings she'd never had before. And naturally the first time she'd ever felt them was the one time she couldn't act on them.

Her words didn't resonate with Eros. With finality, he said, "I'm making it up to you."

Angie glanced to the demons in a bid to distract herself.

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