Chapter Six

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"You don't look very happy Evangeline."

She said nothing, gaze focused on the road, her arm stretched out in wait for the next taxi.


Ah, she was ignoring him. After dragging him out of the ladies room by his ear and him reminding her that nobody else could see him, thus realising how weird she looked, Angie hadn't spoken a word to him.

It seemed as though she were trapped in her own thoughts, which was boring for Eros. With her reactions serving as his main source of entertainment, the cold shoulder wasn't growing on him much.

"Come on sweetheart. I don't know what you want me to say."

A taxi pulled over not a second later. Angie opened the back door and shoved him in, instantly grimacing to remember no one else could see him. With a face like thunder, she followed in after, rattling off her address to the driver.

It occurred to Angie as the taximan drove that her Mother's guests might've heard Angie's heavy, lusty moans, but they didn't hear those of the man she was with. To them, Angie had gone and fucked herself in the bathroom, thus, her Mother had less to be disgruntled over.

My dignity draining, drip by drip by drip.

Those guests would think she screamed like that when touching herself.

Now, she stared miserably out of the window, feeling like a complete and utter idiot.

So much for being the rebel chink in her Mother's prestigious armour.

When the taxi pulled up in front of her home, she paid the driver, wasting no time in crawling out.

Eros followed after her, watching silently as she slipped off her heels.

"Are we going to talk about this?"

She flung her heels aside, lobbing them into the dark. Then she sunk down to the ground, crossing her legs as she stared forwards at the large double doors to her manor house.

"Talk about what?" Her fingers dug through her hair. She threw her horned headband aside too. "The fact that I can see you when nobody else can? The fact that I'm probably losing my mind again?The fact that I..."

He sunk down with her, not that it helped much.

"You're not crazy."

"'You're not crazy', said the real man." She tugged on her hair, eyes closing. "Christ. You know it makes sense. The best fucking of my life and it's all a figment of my imagination."

In spite of everything, he smirked, his legs stretched out in front of him. "I was the best fucking of your life."

It made sense. Eros had centuries worth of sexual experience. He'd never been the God of celibacy.

But fuck, it'd never pleased him this much before.

"Fuck off. You're not real. That's not the part you should be taking from this."

"Which part was the best? Was it my size? My—"

"Fuck. Off."

"You're clearly going through something here, so I'll give you a moment to think."

Her moment of silence didn't last very long. Groaning, she shuffled until she sat facing him. "Why me?"

He sensed she needed a concrete answer. Something specific to make her feel better about this. But he didn't have one for her. Lying would only make things worse, so he didn't bother with that.

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