Chapter Twenty-Four

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In the clutches of another dream, Angie was determined to learn something she could use to defend herself.

She watched Eros in all his glory standing at the top of a mountain and staring at the land below him. At least this was a place she recognised. He stood in the 'Mortal Realm', Earth, peering down across some sort of ancient human village. All around him, trees stood their ground, seeming to whirl towards him.

Above him, the sky was an unforgiving blue, but a soft wind rustled his feathers. He stretched his wings out, taking in that breeze, eating it up.

Fucking shit, there was no denying his beauty.

He wore a toga. The arm was joint by a golden clasp over his shoulder, his tanned nipple on the other side exposed.

In the dreams, Angie heard things that he heard. She saw the things he saw. How he could hear the humans chattering in the village below him was insane to her, but there were better things to be caught up on.

Rule number one of Eros? He didn't intervene in human affairs. No matter how cruel or scandalous they were, his number one rule was to stay out of it.

Now, he watched a woman stand with her back against a tree. She wore no ring, so he knew she wasn't married, but he knew from her clothing she was a high-born lady. In the dark, she awaited her male. A married man sauntered through the gathering of trees, his steps lithe and silent. He assumed the woman wasn't allowed out in the night, so this had to be done in the day.

Eros listened to them exchange pretty words. The woman, Mary or something of the sort, questioned the whereabouts of his wife. Receiving a prompt, nigh disinterested answer, she switched to lifting her skirts, gathering the hem at her hips.

There was no beating around the bush with what happened next. Eros watched as the man respectfully pummelled the woman with his dick. Neither of them cared much for society or respectability during that promiscuous act. Eros stood in the same spot several months later as the pregnant woman returned with another woman in tow, both of them being extra secretive.

He watched the boundaries they were willing to bend to make sure that baby wasn't born and to make sure nobody ever found out about her indiscretion. Not because she didn't want the baby. Suffocated by ridiculous human rules, she had no choice.

Angie saw it all through his eyes. She saw the sheer disdain for humanity and their values. Eros watched them like they were ants. Simple beings that could never hope to understand the world.

She saw the way he looked down upon them, both literally and figuratively.

Seeing that look, that loathing, Angie knew that any hope for a true lasting friendship between them would burn out. Angie was exactly the same as these people he frowned upon. She was human. She was mortal. She was young and stupid and she'd never understand the intensity of his world.

She was the same as all the others. And Eros' one rule? He never intervened in human affairs.

Angie was as human as they came.

The scene changed. She knew she was seeing something from that same day, because that revulsion was still running through Eros. That distaste. That irritation.

Now, he stood before the lake of angels, peering down at the water as he waited for the next angel to 'arrive'. He skimmed a finger across the lake's top, watching the ripples, letting them take him to a better place.

For a moment, they relieved him of his frown. Of his baggage.

A trip of the light.

Had he just seen something reflected upon the water?

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