Chapter Forty-Nine

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Lips touched hers, ever so softly. So softly. So very, very softly.

Her eyes were already closed in fear.

But she felt them. So damned close. So damned real.

They were warm and plump, unforgiving and yet so very loving. So demanding. So giving. So everything.

She'd never been kissed like this before. She doubted she ever would be again. And she didn't understand the kiss. It didn't make any sense.

Why aren't I dead?

Because she knew she was going to die.

The kiss was coaxing more out of her, some sort of reaction.

It couldn't be him kissing her. She recognised that Godly taste of these lips. That warm, comforting feel. But it couldn't be him. How could it? He couldn't remember her.

And yet she knew those lips. She knew everything about them.

If only she could work up the confidence to open her eyes and see for herself...

If it was him, which it couldn't be, he'd never kissed her like this before.

She knew it was him when that intrusive tongue lodged itself halfway down her throat.

She practically choked on it, grabbing a hold of his shoulders as he licked and nipped.

His kisses were merciless. Unforgiving. Ruthless.

If he couldn't remember her, why was he kissing her?

Salt in an open wound.

The kiss was rubbing it in, reminding her of the intimacy she'd lost.

He told her she'd make him remember. That they'd established Angie was the God's type. So was that what this was? The God was acting on his sexual attraction?

Irritation flared within her.

Eros without his memory was such a dick.

Who did he even think he was?

And yet she didn't stop kissing him.

Desperate, she held on tighter, trying to shuffle as close to him as she could get.

His body gave so readily to hers, so used to fitting with her closely.

Memory or no memory, this man couldn't deny their chemistry.

She held onto his hair, tugging at the fine, real locks.

She held onto him for dear life.

But that was before the pain hit her body.

She'd known he'd try to kill her. But she hadn't expected him to do it like this.

The pain started in her belly, flaring up as some hellish heat.

Hands dropping down to his shoulders, she tried to push him away.

He didn't let her, holding on tighter, even as his kissing paused, his mouth over hers.

"Oh that is disgusting!"

But he pulled away at that.

Over his shoulder, Ares had returned to the throne room. Judging by the look upon his face, he clearly wished he hadn't.

Angie shivered when the God pulled himself away from her mouth, though his hands continued to cage her to the wall, now grabbing her ass like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Fuck off Ares," Eros said. "I'm busy."

Lips bruised, Angie almost whimpered.

Busy. Could he sound any more detached?

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