Chapter Fifteen

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Sleep didn't come easily to Angie. Not with so many variables to take into consideration. The God laid just behind her. She had to stifle those thoughts. The need to reach out for him or snuggle.

Then there was her fight to stay awake.

Angie didn't want to sleep without her pills.

In the grips of a dream, it always took Angie a minute or two to figure out what was happening.

The nightmares were back. Her pills were gone. She'd have to stick this.

Dream Eros was walking through a murky forest with yellow eyes glowing in the dark, watching from all around him. He kept his head high despite knowing there were threats lurking at every angle.

Eros didn't seem to care. In these parts, his godly spirit was unmatched.

He was on his way to meet with someone. Each step was taken with purpose.

Nymphs watched him from the dark lakes, arms reaching out to grab his ankles. To touch him.

He ducked beside one of them, tilting his head to the side. He addressed her with familiarity, though Angie sensed they'd never met.

"Hello sweetheart." He calls me that. Even in her sleep, Angie recognised him for an easy, flirty knobhead. And he's categorised me in that same sex driven number. "Can you tell me what you know?"

"You shouldn't have come here," She murmured back, voice tinged by an accent Angie couldn't name. "He's not very happy with you."

"I'll deal with it."

Dream Eros could deal with anything. He could fight anyone. He had nothing to lose.

The scene shifted, mutilating, until she watched him wander into a dull, murky cave. A blue light came from the other end of it, where Eros' former ally turned enemy laid in wait.

How many years now had it been since Angie had suffered from one of these dreams?

The pills shut them off completely. And now they were back. But this time, she'd take them seriously. She could learn from these dreams. This was the opportunity to learn what she was dealing with, even if the dreams were more a curse than a gift.

But she'd learn.

She'd learn about the man she'd been forced to stick with.

A shiver raked down her spine when she spotted the enemy.

Now she remembered why she'd never liked the dreams as a kid.

The sight of this enemy was haunting. His body was too huge, too immense, too threatening, even if dream Eros wasn't threatened. Long horns curled from his head, with golden nipple piercings glinting in the dim light. Worryingly, he wore no clothes, but Eros didn't pay those two swinging dicks any mind.

Instead, he leaned against the cave wall and folded his arms, a picture of casualness.

"What're you doing here?" The double-dicked man demanded.

"I've come to rub it in," Eros answered.

"I was warned about you."

"I'm sure you were."

"They said not to trust a word that comes out of your mouth." Eros nodded, taking this in his stride. Perhaps the double-dicked man had a point. "They said you were going to double cross me from the very beginning. That you double cross everyone you claim to work with."

"And still you didn't listen."

Angie tried not to think about what happened next. The rest of it was a little gory. Eros hadn't ventured to that cave for a chitchat. He'd headed that way to finish whoever that man was. The slicing of his throat played out over and over again in Angie's mind. Her body started upwards, breaths coming out in heavy pants.

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