Chapter Thirty-Four

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Claudio's castle marked the first Other World landmark Angie had ever officially laid her eyes on. And Gods be damned, it was awe worthy.

The castle in itself looked like the type with ancient history, like Lancaster castle or Leeds castle. She envisioned fancy guards lining the walls with lanterns in the night, or high-born ladies riding through the high gates in horse-drawn carriages.

The castle in itself sat above a hill, with a concrete maze-like structure paving the way up to it.

From the top, Angie surmised it would be a long walk to the bottom.

As she peered about herself in curiosity, she caught the attention of a green-eyed demon.

Caspian was attractive enough, but it wasn't him whose attention she craved.

He pointed to the high walls around them and fell into step by her side. Claudio took up the front with the angel God at the back.

Apparently, Eros had returned to his former silence.

"This is all war strategy," He explained conversationally.

"How so?"

Caspian brushed a finger along the high stone, concrete walls. "Claudio's great greats had this stuff made. Back in the day when the castle was likely to be under siege, enemies had a bitch of a time figuring out which pathways to take to get to the top." That didn't surprise her in the slightest. She'd already seen more twists and turns in the walk than she could bear to count. "Some blend into each other, some have dead ends, others lead to caves and hideouts. Our enemies didn't stand a chance at reaching the castle without getting lost. They're easier to fight and find that way."

Without the help of the demons, Angie could see herself perishing in this maze.

"Was the castle under siege often?"

"It still is from time to time. Depends whether we're in a war or not."

They all spoke about war so casually. Angie kept forgetting how close it was to their doorsteps.

"And wars happen a lot for your kind?"

She glanced to the sword strung across his back.

"Demon species are almost always in wars. Claudio's just a little better than other monarchs at keeping the peace. He's the honourable sort."

"Then what are you?"


"Are you honourable too?"

He shrugged with an easy grin. "I try to be."

"I'll take that as a no."

"My line of business doesn't leave a lot of room for honour. I'm a mercenary. Sometimes, you have to fuck people over to get shit done." And that made her feel so much better about all of this. The demon caught sight of her face and chuckled, batting his shoulder against hers. "You don't have to worry. I don't mess around with my allies. Most of them would kill me for it. And I won't fuck with you. Any harm comes to your life and my King doesn't get what he wants."

Right. If Angie died, Claudio wouldn't find the lake of angels. Then he wouldn't find his mate.

She was possibly the safest person here.

"So you're loyal?"

"To the bone."

"Why do you need to be a mercenary if you're already the King's right-hand man?"

Surely that had to pay well.

"Because it gets boring. Being a mercenary is how I make a killing. Being General is my status. Things like that work a little differently in the Other World."

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