Chapter Three

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The reason for which he'd followed this sexy little serving of hell had already flittered from his mind. What he needed from her had disappeared completely the second she offered him her hand. Now, she held him trapped within her palm, hers to do with as she pleased.

This wasn't the same as what happened when a nymph grabbed his hand. There was no saying no to this woman. Not without hating himself forever.

And when she dragged him back towards the nearest door, he was hopeless but to follow, completely at her mercy.

The shock of her being able to see him had already been and gone. She could see him, touch him and everything. Why nobody else could, he didn't know, but he was sure this little demoness had his answers.

She locked the door to yet another bathroom, a conniving look on her face that he almost missed, and pushed his back up against it.

"I'm going to catch you up to speed here, Eros," She said, eyes refusing to stray from his lips. "We're going to fuck, if that's alright with you."

Shitting hell. Her confidence.

He grabbed a hold of her ass, squeezing it through her dress. Fuck. Her ass was just perfect. Juicy and round, as if designed to fit in his hand. That coy grin did things to him. Scandalous things.

Before being stabbed through the heart, Eros had been promised the pleasure of a gaggle of nymphs. Lusty, sex driven creatures. But one thing that united all nymphs alike? They tried to be cute about it. Evangeline, on the other hand? She groped him through his toga, blue eyes sparkling with malicious intent. There was nothing cute about Evangeline. This woman was a fire burning out of control.

"That's perfectly fine with me."

She hummed, tilting her head. "I thought it might be."

"You did, did you?" He backed her up towards the opposite wall, her tiny gasp for breath sounding like music to his ears. "What gave you that idea?"

"I have been known to catch a social cue from time to time."

Where were women like her in his realm?

Fuck. He was done waiting. Time to taste her lips.

Evangeline gave readily, her mouth parting for him, her hands raking over his shoulders.

What had he followed her in for again?

Whatever it was, it couldn't have been important.

She tastes like hellfire.

Hot. Hot. Hot.

Her lips parted readily for him, her greedy tongue lapping.

With his tongue in her mouth and her hands all over him, Eros grabbed the bottom of her dress. The material was unfamiliar, tight. But fuck, did it do her curves justice. He hoisted it up, her back arching for him.

His cock stood hard and ready for her, aching with the need to bury himself balls deep in her pretty cunt. To have this evil little demoness writhing on him, to lose all control, to confuse the barriers of his body with hers. When he reached out, his hands pinched her bare ass. Fuuuccckk. Only the smallest triangle of material covered her pretty pussy.

Where the hell was he?

And why did that tiny little thing look so damned fucking good on her?

Eros wanted to pump his cock with it.

"Shite," She mumbled against his mouth, tilting her head for better access. The demoness decided she'd had enough of the kissing and playing around.

Like she'd said—Angie was in here to fuck.

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