Chapter Thirteen

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With her bag slung over her shoulder, Angie tried her hardest not to be suspicious as she waited through French border control.

Entering the train station, things had started to feel real.

With people all around her, she realised just how easy it would be for any one of these people to attack. She didn't know what people from the Other World looked like. And if they came at her, Angie had no way of defending herself.

She glanced over to the God sitting at her side. The disgustingly handsome God. Would he protect her? How he'd do it, she didn't know, but she prayed that if it came down to it, he'd have her back.

Angie signed up to get rid of him. She hadn't signed up to die.

In the black chairs all around her, people—humans, she assumed—were minding their own business. Some were focused on their phones. Others were reading quietly. Following lead, Angie selected an airpod and held her phone.

It was time to start using the resources she had around her.

Now, no one would question who she was talking to.

"I've got you a present."

Eros glanced down at her, eyebrows raised, clearly disgruntled.

She tried to see this place through Eros' eyes.

From the hustle and bustle of people and shops and everything in between, this had to be a lot to take in.

She opened her bag, revealing a thick wad of magazines.

"It's not much, but it's something you can read whilst we're on the train to try and help you... adjust to these times a little better. I know it must be hard. You've basically woken up to a different world—so I thought these might be able to help you out a bit."

Angie tried to get things covering all genres. From newspapers to fashion magazines. And if her suspicions about Eros were right, he'd soak this shit up like a sponge.

He poked her shoulder. "Aww, you're being nice Ange."

"Shut up." She glanced around, still on edge. "So, I admit I might have been a little bit of a bitch to you."

"A little bit?" He grinned. Again, he couldn't help enjoying the parts where he got under her skin.

It was just too easy.

"I'm trying here, okay? I'm not very good at the whole friends thing. Consider it this way, my Mum's a raving bitch and I have two friends to my name. I'm—I'm not very good at this, so I'm trying to be nice."

"I know. Thank you Angie. I appreciate it."


"I get that being nice is really hard for you."

"Now you're pushing it. But, uh, if you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them for you."

"Any questions?" His brows lifted suggestively.

"Within a limit."

"I'll try not to push my luck." Maybe becoming a team wouldn't be as hard as he thought. If they could see eye to eye through their crackling sexual chemistry, then maybe they could build something from that.

As she focused on her phone, he scanned the area around them, uncomfortable with everything he didn't understand.

But one thing he did understand?

Across from them, a group of three lads sat staring directly at Angie, whispering amongst themselves. Eros was no idiot. He'd recognise the look of lust anywhere. And with the way they were eyeing up Angie's legs...

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