Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Angie tossed and turned in and out of sleep. The worst part? She had everything she needed for the best night.

Her mattress was heavenly. The breeze coming from the open balcony doors was delightful. Beneath her head the rock-hard abs of an angel God greeted her along with his soft fingers teasing through her hair and along her spine.

Knowing he couldn't sleep, Angie made sure to stay quiet and still during her bouts of consciousness. She didn't want him to notice.

Her thoughts had been haunted all through the night.

Even as his fingers drew circles into her back and his lips peppered light kisses along her skin, her brain wouldn't stray from what she'd already thought.

What if he didn't remember her when he came back to life?

What if he woke up in his throne room and only remembered what'd happened six hundred years ago? What if he forgot this time they'd been through together?

Angie would be forced to remember whilst he moved on as if she'd never so much as passed through his life.

At the thought, a knot of anxiety pooled in her stomach.

Why did that bother her so much?

She knew why. But she didn't want to say.

Would his last memory be of him dying?

And what of Angie?

"I know you're awake," He mumbled through the dark. Angie froze up, her back tensing and giving her away.


He ran a hand through her hair. Even as he whispered, she could hear the smile in his voice. "You think I can't feel your heartbeat thumping against my chest?"

Her naked chest laid against his, her arm strewn across his body as his wings wrapped her up tight.

"Shush. I'm trying to sleep."

The pitter patter of his fingers against her skin was intoxicating. She bit back a purr or moan.

"Everything's going to be fine," He soothed. "This is going to run smoothly. We'll be in my realm before you know it. Nothing's going to happen to you. I won't let it."

Angie wasn't worried about that. She knew she was safe.

But she wouldn't tell him her true worries. Angie didn't want to feel small. Saying it out loud would sound so ridiculous.

What did it matter if this man forgot her? It wasn't like their lives were going to remain entangled when all of this was over. They'd be parting ways soon, never to see each other again.

His remembering her was insignificant.

But it still hurt.

"I trust you."

At her words, his hold on her body tightened. She felt his fluttery kiss against her hairline. "Try to sleep. You've got a busy day in the morning."

"Not more walking. Just tell me there'll be no more walking."

"Go to sleep baby."

When Angie woke up next, Eros was—of course—already watching her. He gave her a friendly morning smile and stroked her hair.

Angie tried to bite back her nervousness as she looked at him. All those worried, fearful thoughts.

But the thought of him forgetting her didn't sit right at all.

"What's the plan for today?" She asked in a bid to distract herself.

"Today we're headed to the island where the portal to my realm is located."

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