Chapter Two

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Angie's Mother was positively fuming, which meant that was a job well done for Angie.

Angie 1.

Sheila 0.

Angie stood by the wine table, drinking heartily, revelling in the judgemental looks sent her way.

That's it, eat me up.

Her Mother pulled out the big guns with this party. Everyone who was anyone in the world of business was here, which meant they'd all seen Angie trample over the image her Mother ironed so carefully. Angie was that one crease in the side that no amount of heat could burn out.

It was Halloween. More fool her Mother for thinking Angie wouldn't pull something.

She'd searched her closet high and low for this particular ensemble.

Across the way, her Mother's business associates were shaking their heads at her, staring reproachfully.

"—Would you look at Evangeline."

"—Nothing like her Mother."

"—She'll regret these stunts when she's all grown up."

Ever the friendly compatriot, Angie answered them back with a salute. Or a middle finger. Sometimes, these hand gestures get lost in translation.

She proceeded to scan the crowds, looking for the night's entertainment. Someone whom she could whisper in the ear of. Someone she could use to wreak havoc.

Someone she could use to piss off her Mother.

By the door, she spotted the perfect contender. Too good to be true.

A man in a toga lingered there, broad angel wings at his back.

Angie rubbed her lips together.

I'm not the only one who's ignored the dress code.


She was sure her Mother would be happy about this.

And as luck would have it, the guy in the toga was already looking her way. Not just looking, mind you. This man was undressing Angie with his eyes.

I think I've found my target.

Talk about tall, dark and handsome. Her pick of the night came with brown, ruffled hair and generous muscles.

I'm going to eat him alive.

And as luck would have it, the handsome stranger was already eyeing her up.

Her glass was soon abandoned as she took up the hunt, sauntering through the crowds back to where she'd came from. Even from here, she spotted his eyes moving with her every move. They followed her, lusty and narrowed.

Angie knew how to play the game. She'd been playing the field for a while now. She was no blushing virgin. Angie knew how to fish.

So she didn't stop, leaving him with a flirty smile and a soft brush of her hand. His exhalation of breath hit her ears, loud and heavy.

That was when she knew she had him. Hook, line and sinker.

She turned at the sound of footsteps. Just as she'd anticipated, the man was following. His eyes skimmed over her assets, then back to her eyes.

Oh boy. They were definitely hooded.

I've got him right where I want him.

She fluttered her eyelashes teasingly. Brazenly.

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