Chapter Sixteen

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Angie remembered falling to sleep on the sofa. At some point during the night, the God must've felt guilty and carried her back to the bed. She woke up with them in opposite positions. As she slumbered amongst the pillows, Eros sat on the other side of the room watching her.

No. He was trying to figure her out.

Apparently, Angie had thrown him a curve ball.

"Morning Ange."

She nodded respectfully, stretching out her aching limbs, brain struggling to catch up to her.

"You moved me back to the bed," She noted.

"It seemed fair. You sleep and I don't." He paused, giving his next words a moment's thought. For a second, he almost looked pained. "I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable. I don't know what I did wrong last night, but I won't do it again."

He was in way over his head here.

If Angie were anything like the people he was used to dealing with, none of this would be happening.


Uncomfortable, he rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. "I won't kiss you again. I'll—"

"It's not the kissing that's the problem."

As she casually rose from the bed and finished up with her stretching, Eros stared at her gone out.

Bloody confusing woman.

Surely Evangeline DeCentum came with an instructions manual.


"The problem is you, Eros."

"You've lost me."

"You're so conceited and self-adoring. Not everyone was placed on this Earth to serve you."

His eyes narrowed.

"I never said you were."

"You didn't have to say it."

"Because you're good at reading in between the lines."

She didn't answer, but her face had already said enough. Angie thought she had him pinned. She'd come to a conclusion about him. One she'd only share in little bits and pieces.

Idly, she started making the bed. "What's the plan for today?"

Pull yourself together man.

If Angie could be all cool and chill about this, then he could be too.

"First of all, there's probably something you should know."


He followed her towards the bathroom, skin prickling with unease.

"I want us to work as a team, even if you don't like me and even if we have our differences."

"I never said that I don't like you."

Evil, confusing female!

He ignored her comment, knowing any thought on the matter would leave him bogged down.

"I'll be honest with you Ange. I'm not keeping secrets."


"Which is exactly why I've got something important to tell you."

"Skip the foreplay and tell me already."

She grabbed her toothbrush, squeezing tooth paste onto the end.

"Do you remember how I said I'm an extremely powerful immortal?"

She hummed as she flung the end beneath the tap. Could she be any more disinterested?

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