Chapter Seven

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She rocketed to the bathroom, flinging the door open with such a force that it rocked on its hinges.

A little stunned, Eros followed after her. He was there just in time to watch her knees hit the tiles and her head catapult towards the toilet. She started heaving, her body convulsing.


This was the very human reaction he cursed.

Immortals, unless cursed, didn't get sick. Now, there was no doubt in his mind about her humanity.

He didn't hesitate to grab her hair, scraping her muddy blonde locks back from her neck. Body shaking, she didn't have time to thank him.

The second she'd finished, Angie was moving, pushing him away without so much as a thanks. She flushed the chain, hurrying over to the sink.

Clothes were still strewn all around her bathroom. The room was in utter chaos as though a bomb had exploded.

He saw now, upon closer inspection, that the clothes were all similar to her dress.

Angie had taken the time to decide what she wore in detail, throwing out options that didn't fit the image.

But that wasn't what she was interested in.

She snatched up an empty pill bottle, gathering little white pills back up into her hands.

With one hand on her shoulder, he reached out for the bottle. He let it go the second he realised he could feel it.


Removing his hand from the girl, he touched it again, hand going through.

Very interesting.

She's the key.

Angie was his steppingstone into existence. So long as he touched her, he could feel things. Why this was all on Angie's shoulders specifically, he didn't know. Thus far, he had no way of figuring that out.

One problem at a time.

After a minute of perpetual scrambling, she gave up on her gathering, shoving the pills she already had into her mouth.

"Do you want to slow down with those?"

She dropped the rest back into the bottle, setting it aside on a bathroom counter. Eros stared at them uneasily.

"This will all be over soon." She was speaking to herself, almost sounding delirious.

He grabbed her arm, lifting the pill bottle.

They were anti-hallucinatory. The bottle promised the riddance of bad dreams.

What had she been dreaming of?


"This is just a figment of my imagination."


"This is all going to be fine."

"Hey, you're worrying me here." He grabbed her by the shoulders, but even then, she didn't really seem to look at him. Angie was out of it. Had her mind broken this easily? He hoped not. He'd be screwed if his human hotline was broken. "Evangeline, look at me. What's wrong?"

She shrugged his touch aside, heading back towards her bedroom. "I'll go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning, none of this will have ever happened. This is all a figment of your imagination. Drank too much. Yeah, that's it..."

He followed her in, watching as she shuffled beneath the covers and tried to calm herself down.

"What bad dreams have you been having?"

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