Chapter Forty-One

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Angie grimaced at the sight of luggage on the demons' backs.

They carried tents with them and general supplies. Sure, some people loved to sleep under the stars. And she was sure it'd be magical at a place like this. But Angie wasn't feeling it. Angie wasn't one of those people.

She'd rather sleep in a bed inside of a building with a bathroom nearby and the promise that the wilderness wouldn't attack her in the night. With a real, solid roof above her head too.

Above this, Angie wasn't a fan of all this walking. Her nice shoes would surely be ruined by the time this was all over, and she'd just gotten them new not too long ago.

The walk, in retrospect, didn't look too long from the bottom of the mountain. But the actual walk in itself was a different story.

The ground was too dry and cracked, hurting her feet. Brambles snagged at her feet and rocks laid scattered in her path. Not to mention that unforgiving sun that battered down on her shoulders. She'd practically bathed herself in sunscreen, but she could feel it wouldn't be enough. The walk would've been treacherous enough had it all been straight. Staring at the uphill path, Angie wanted to cry.

"Smile, Ange," Eros said, walking beside her with an all too cocky smirk on his face. Easy enough for him to say. He wasn't dripping in sweat. At this present moment in time, the man simply couldn't sweat.

"What is there to smile about?"

"The fresh air. The beauty."

The reasoning behind her frown.

Angie got that this might've been ideal for some people, but she couldn't wait until she never had to walk up this horrid mountain again. In modern times, she didn't understand why no one had built a cable car or something to beat this part out.

"What's so great about the great outdoors? Why can't we just use your wings to get to the top?"

If Eros had flown, they'd have been at the top already. Angie would wager that they were only about a quarter of the way through.

"Because we're easier targets in the air."

Angie would take a bullet over this any day.

"Take a little risk. I assure you it'll be worth it."

"And miss out on this walk with you?" Another one of those smirks. He just loved getting under her skin. "I wouldn't dream of it."

She stopped walking, placing her hands on her knees and bending over. Hairs stuck to her forehead, and the shorts she'd changed into were riding right up her arse. Hell, she was sure she had a blister forming on her toe. Her legs were chafing too.

"I'm dying."

"You're not dying. You're fine. Keep going."

"This isn't fair."

"Everything alright Angie?" The King asked, casting her a knowing smile over his shoulder.

Claudio might've been attractive, but God was he pissing her off right now. Whilst she was out here losing hours on her life, he walked ahead with ease. None of this fazed him.

"No. Everything is not alright. This is the worst day of my entire life."

"Not a fan of the outdoors?"

Not. A. Fan.

What did people even see in these places?

"What's the point in this?"

"You might enjoy yourself," The King reasoned.

"I doubt it."

Caspian gave her a playful look. "Walking's fun."

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