Chapter Forty-Five

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Ares. It just had to be fucking Ares.

Angie knew this would happen sooner or later—but damn it, she'd been praying for later. Or, y'know, never.

Did he have to rock up again today of all days?

Didn't they have enough on already without this man here asserting his opinions?

Ares gave them a steady look, eyes darting across their gathering.

They started on Caspian, sizing up his horns and defensive stance. Then they skirted over to Claudio, who'd sidled closer to Angie. Finally, they landed on Angie herself, narrowing in disapproval.

Ah, so he hadn't suffered a change of heart since seeing her last.

Good to know.

"I was wondering when you'd arrive," Ares said from where he lazed upon Eros' throne. "You took longer than expected, actually. I predicted you'd have been here a day ago. My patience runs thin."


He cut her off with an irate wave of the hand. "We've got a lot to get through Evangeline, so close your mouth and stop gawking." He leaned forwards, glaring at the empty space he guessed his friend stood. "You ditched me in the Common World. Smart thinking, Eros. How should I go about bringing myself back to life? Hmm, I know. I'll sneak out on the only chance I stand and hope for the best. Sound familiar?" Angie glanced to the God in question. The God that only she could see. He pulled a face, his jaw clenched in agitation. "Beyond that, might I say whatever plan it is you have, it's stupid and it isn't going to work."

"Who is this?" Claudio asked, tired of listening.

"This is Ares," Angie answered. "He's a friend of Eros'."

"A friend?"

She sighed. "So I'm told."

"My senses say he's a threat."

That sounded about right. Angie gave the angel God a dark look. "Is that enough evidence for you?"

Eros shook his head. "I'll talk to him."

There wouldn't be time for a chinwag.

Claudio squared his shoulders, towering over Angie. "Who are you?"

"King Claudio, is it?" Ares asked, not answering. "You give off the power of a King. It is Claudio, isn't it?"

Claudio didn't sink to his level, ever the honourable King. True to his deal with Eros, he stood his ground behind Angie, protecting her from any and every threat. "No harm is to come to this human, unless you wish to be crushed by the strength of the entire Infernum army."

"That does sound unpleasant, doesn't it?" Ares mocked. "Alas, I haven't come all this way to start a fight." He hadn't? No. Which probably meant he'd come here to end Angie. Lovely. Needless to say, this God wouldn't be growing on her anytime soon. He froze up, teetering, seeming to catch a scent. "Oh dear lord. I do hope it's one of these demons who've shagged you, Evangeline."

"Oh God."

Her face had definitely turned red.

She turned to the angel God in accusation, who shuffled from foot to foot.

His look said it all. Right now, there was nothing he could do. His only way of communicating was through Angie. And right now, Ares wouldn't listen to a word that came out of her mouth.

"Which of you was it?" He demanded of the demons.

Was his best friend being with Angie really that bad?

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