Chapter Thirty-Three

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Angie showered in silence. Then she brushed her teeth in silence. She dressed in silence and gathered herself in silence.

Eros wouldn't look at her.

Since her confession, he hadn't said a word.

She couldn't get a read on his expression.

If he'd been an open book before, he'd since ripped out all the pages.

She got that it was a lot to take in. But damn it. It wasn't her fault either. Angie hadn't asked for the dreams. She'd spent years doing everything in her power trying to get rid of them.

What did he want her to do?

This was why she didn't tell him.

Already, it was making things weird.

She didn't say a word when they left the room. They walked side by side through the castle halls. Eros didn't so much as look at her.

What I'd give to know what he's thinking.

But he'd made it abundantly clear. He didn't want to talk to Angie. He wouldn't let her in.

This isn't my fault!

She'd been dragged into this wacko shit. It wasn't the other way around.

When they reached the banquet hall, she tried to pretend he wasn't there. That none of this was happening. That everything was normal and she hadn't dropped the truth bomb.

She turned her gaze to the demon King Claudio and his right-hand man Caspian. Caspian wore casual clothes with a sword slung over his back. Next to him, Claudio wore his usual armour.

Both looked delectable, but Angie didn't feel like flirting anymore.

Before, it'd been to get under Eros' skin. Now, she doubted he'd care.

"Good morning Evangeline," Claudio said, nodding cordially. "I'm glad you could join us. Help yourself to anything you like."

Her eyes widened a little.

A table sat before the two men. On said table rested an enormous spread of food. Foods she'd never seen and doubted she ever would again. Others looked like foods from her own kitchen.

God, this whole thing still felt like one super muddled dream.

"Thanks." She sunk down to the table awkwardly. Without a word, Eros took his seat beside her. "This is a lot for three people. Is anyone else coming?"

Caspian smirked, popping some sort of breakfast meat into his mouth. "Demons have larger than average appetites. We burn through shit quickly. Literally."

Claudio nodded his agreement. "The chefs have prepared human appropriate food."

"Oh. Do you not eat this stuff normally?"

Great, she was already a burden.

"We do," The King said. "But we have a bit more of an... exotic pallet."

"So this is tame for you?"

"In a way."

"So if this is all human appropriate, what are those?" She pointed to a bowl of something pointy looking, and then another bowl of something that kind of resembled squid.

"These are some of our native fruits," Claudio explained. "They've been witch tested. None of them will harm your body."

"Witch tested." Because that was so very comforting.

Claudio smiled knowingly. "You can eat them."

But do I want to?

That squid fruit or whatever it was still looked alive. She swore blind she'd just seen it wiggle.

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