Chapter Twenty-Five

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After Ares arrived, Angie made a point of steering clear of Eros. She ate her food in silence, woefully listening to Ares complain about how annoying she was, then evacuated towards the room she'd been told to stay in.

For a change, Eros didn't follow her in immediately. Both of them needed a little distance. A little space to gather their thoughts.

Her own thoughts were in turmoil.

Eros was figuring her out way too fast.

First of all there was that stunt about the trust issues. He'd thrown a new card into the mix suggesting that she didn't trust herself, because now Angie had to consider it.

Annoyingly, the more thought she put into it, the more reason she saw.

Maybe he was right.

Maybe her lack of trust in herself did play a big part in this.

She'd gone back to the flirting for all of two minutes and look where that had landed them. It landed a shirtless Angie beneath a shirtless Eros as he sucked the living hell out of her tits.

And maybe her lack of trust in herself also fuelled the secrecy.

If she told Eros the truth about all of this, then they'd have to put their heads together. She'd be inviting him into her life to see all of her problems. They'd have to think together about why the dreams were happening. About the way that Eros needed Angie specifically. As the evidence mounted, there was no denying the fact they'd been linked somehow.

And after that dream...

Why had her face shown up in some random lake several hundred years before she was born?

Why had she been dreaming of his life since she was a kid?

Why did Eros need her as opposed to any other person?

And why was she his anchor into existence?

Too many questions. Too many things to think about.

But he was bang on about her fears. Angie was scared of being close to people. She hadn't been close to anyone since her Dad had died. She'd forgotten how to be close to people in general. And that kind of honesty with Eros would demand for them to be close.

Emotionally, Angie wasn't ready for that kind of vulnerability. She needed more time to think.

Unsurprisingly, her sleep after that was dreamless. Maybe her subconscious knew she needed a break, even if it were just for a few hours.

When she woke, the distance between them was over.

Eros stood at the doorway, arms folded as he waited for her to wake up.

When he saw her coming to, he smiled softly.

"You've gone from not sleeping at all to sleeping your life away."

"You make me tired."

"Just wait Ange. I'll have you up all night before this is done."

It was that tone that did it for Angie. That promise that he'd have her like that again before all of this was over.

It made it hard to breathe.

"Sure you will."

"Don't doubt me. You're going to be so obsessed with me."

This was why she needed the distance. It was harder to get attached that way.

Climbing from the bed, she cleared her throat, pretending to be wearing more than just her lingerie. "So what's the plan for today?"

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