Chapter Eight

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Somehow, they managed to escape the DeCentum household without crossing paths with Sheila, a win for everyone, really.

Eros followed Angie silently into her car, watching in concern as she lobbed her belongings into the back. Angie was a woman on a mission, pointedly refusing to share with him exactly what this mission was. As if I could tell anyone. What did she think he'd do? Spread her secret? Impossible.

As instructed, he took his space in the passenger seat, staring about himself in curiosity.

He'd been dead for six hundred years. Everything he saw came to baffle him. But right now, he chose to focus on the important matters.

Angie clipped her seat-belt into place, fixing her mirrors, her face hard with determination. It almost posed to worry Eros.

"Care to share what this plan is?" Since her every little decision would affect him and all.

Angie was mortal. If something happened to her, what would happen to him?

Her nails rapped against the steering wheel. "I have an idea."

"So you've said."

He braced himself when she pulled off from the drive. She was keeping these answers from him intentionally. Eros had lived for too long. Her silence made him paranoid, feeding into suspicion. He wasn't used to not knowing things. As a God, he'd always been the man with all the answers.

And now my fate lies in the hands of a human.

Had he been capable of the same human functions as Angie, he felt he might've been sick too.

"It's the best chance we've got at an explanation for all of this."

"Are you going to tell me what that is?"

"I need you to stop talking so I can clear my head."

"Someone's in a good mood."

Which meant Angie was hiding something.

No offence to Angie, but she was human. If he, a God, couldn't find any sensical explanations for this, then there was no chance Angie could. This was the first she'd heard of this world. He swore to all things holy, if she took him to a priest to have him exorcised...

"You look confused."

His confusion was palpable.

Nothing about her time was making any sense.

"What's all of this?" He pointed to the buttons in front of him.

"It's a car. I'll buy some magazines at the service station. You can figure out how modern day works or something."

He took a long, good look at her. Angie wore jeans and a cropped top, her hair thrown up into a lazy, messy bun. He didn't recognise the style of clothing. He'd never seen anything like it.

But that didn't mean he wasn't a fan.

As a matter of fact, he loved the way that denim hugged the curves of her ass.

"So what you were wearing yesterday?"

"I was wearing a costume, for Halloween. It's this festival that happens every year where you dress up like... I don't know. Like a monster or a character or something."

She glanced at his wings.

"No one else was dressed up."

"That was just at my house. My Mother and all her business associates are bat shit boring. People were dressed up in other places. Which is why I didn't question your wings. I was under the impression that you were dressed up too."

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