Chapter Thirty-Six

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His back stiffened, tensing.

He'd definitely heard her.

Oh he'd heard her alright.

Turn around, idiot!

He didn't.

In fact, the bastard ignored her, keeping his gaze rooted ahead of himself.

She gaped in open disbelief.

Talk about ignorance.


He still didn't turn.

Unluckily for him, her mind had already been made up. Angie wasn't letting him get away with this. Stubborn against stubborn. They were sorting through their issues tonight, one way or another.

"Fine!" She called. "Don't want to look at me! Whatever! But I'm coming down!"

Somehow. Finding the exit to this place would take forever. She'd have lost sight of him by then, giving him chance to hide. The next best thing was making her way down the balcony. At least then she'd be able to keep him in sight.

And evidently he didn't think she'd do it.

Angie would prove him wrong.

Sucking in a nervous breath, she held the railing tighter and flung a leg over the side.

Okay Angie. You can do this. How hard can it be?

She wasn't that high up. Not really. But her room seemed to be mounted. Falling would probably hurt.

But she'd made up her mind now. She'd go through with it.

She placed her foot carefully, barefoot and nervous of slipping.

She slanted a glance back over her shoulder.

Bastard! He could see what she was doing and still chose to walk away.

He'd get away soon. Out of her sight.

Not happening.

She tried to move faster.

Bad idea.

Her leg snagged on a sharp edge.

Oh God—

Her balance wobbled—


She yelped, arms flailing.

Uh oh.

The ground would be here any second now.

She closed her eyes, ready for impact.

This was going to hurt.

Wings swooped. Had her eardrums popped?


Her body hit a hard chest, arms tightening around her.



That heavy batting sound was him. Open your eyes. His wings.

She'd never seen him fly before.

He flew them up just a little bit higher until they were high enough for him to stand on the railing. She stared up at his face in awe, stunned that he'd actually come to help her.

Hadn't he been walking away?

He peered down at her intensely, his expression hard to read.

"Just for one day could you refrain from doing something stupid?"

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