Chapter Twenty-One

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It was like waking up with a dry throat, only it couldn't be quenched with a glass of water. She felt drained, even after hours' worth of sleep. Her body felt stiff and tired. Her eyes didn't want to open.

On instinct, she lifted her hands to her throat as if to massage the soreness, but there was no hope of that happening. Stumbling out of bed, she headed to the bathroom. In the mirror, she assessed the damage.

Dark purple splodges covered her fair skin. The hand-prints there were undeniable. They were yellowed and black around the edges, with dots of blue and purple.

No amount of painkillers were going to make this feel better.

Fuck it.

She wasn't covering this up for their benefit.

If her dreams were anything to go by, then the people of their world wouldn't question the bruises. They might not so much as look twice. So who would she be covering them for?

Covering them would hide them from his sight. Angie wanted him to feel the guilt.

She wanted him to see what they'd put her through.

In fact...

Today, everything would change.

Eros thought he'd pulled out a new card last night. A wild card she wouldn't know how to deal with. His knowing what turned her on wasn't ideal, but Angie could be just as bad.

She dug through her bag, looking for her raunchiest outfit.

Those men would get an eyeful alright.

And he can't touch.

Faux leather trousers and a lacy crop top later, Angie felt like fiery hell in a pair of high heels. Today, she'd dare those mother fuckers to mess with her.

She heard them before she saw them. Well, Ares at least.

How much more can there be to catch each other up on?

They were gathered around the breakfast bar. Ares didn't look up when she arrived, but Eros did.

He didn't stop looking either.

That's right. Take it all in mother fucker.

His gaze started on her legs, where those tight leather trousers clung to her every curve. Fortunately, Angie had legs that went on forever—the angel God ate them right up. Next they followed the curve of her ass right up to her midriff. They spent a little longer on the boobs before fixating on the showstopper.

Her neck.

His guilt was undeniable. Grimacing, he ran a hand over his face, as if scrubbing at his eyes would change what was laid out before him.

This was why she didn't hide it. She wanted these men to see what they'd done.

"Morning Angie," He murmured softly.

She didn't even try to answer. It hurt to speak so there was her excuse.

Instead, she poured herself a bowl of cereal and sat as far away from the two men as possible.

She pulled her phone out, ready to reply to Liv.

She'd gone soul searching. That was what she'd told everyone.

But there hadn't been much soul searching involved. Instead, she'd come to realise everything that was wrong with her.

Mummy issues. Who would've thought?

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