Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The second the door closed and locked behind them was the very same second Eros lost his shit. His patience was gone. So were his warnings.

Angie had pushed him to a limit. The woman was driving him mad.

The worst part?

He knew she'd done it on purpose.

She stood in the centre of the room, glancing about the place too casually for someone who knew what they'd done.

Eros would give her hell.

"What the fuck was that?"


"Don't play dumb with me right now Evangeline." He was out here losing his shit. How could she have it in her to look so flippant? None of this was trivial. "You've pushed my patience to the brink. Tell me what that was."

"Really, darling. I have no idea what you're talking about."


If she had a problem with sweetheart, then he had the same problem with darling.

She'd used it on the night they'd met. Back when her intent had been to use him.

Eros refused to be used.

Not by Angie.

"Now you've done it. Enough with this shit. Right here, right now. You're telling me everything."

"I don't see what you're getting all worked up about. It was just a little bit of harmless flirting. Nothing more, nothing less."

But it was more than just the flirting.

It was everything.

Just when they were starting to work like a team, Angie had to push it.

"How did you know who he was already?"

He wasn't letting her out of it this time. There'd been too many things he let slide. How did she know about the Common World? How did she know about portal jumpers?

He'd tackle this shit one issue at a time.

And Gods help him, Angie wasn't getting out of it this time.


"No more playing dumb. I'm done with it. You can't lie your way out of this one. You already knew who Claudio was. Explain that Evangeline."

"No I didn't."

"I heard you. You took one look at him and said, 'oh, it's you'."

"No I didn't."

"So what I want to know is how you, a mortal human, recognised the face of an immortal demon King. No lies this time. Don't push me again."

She backed up towards the wall, somehow still seeming casual, putting as much distance between them as she could.

"I knew his face because I'd seen him before."

"How could you have possibly seen him before?"

She shrugged. "It was at Ares' house. We were sat in those seats by the window and I saw him on the street. He was standing in the shadows looking up at me."

Eros blinked.

Digesting, digesting—

I'm going to kill her.

"And you didn't think to tell me that?" He demanded.

"I was going to, but then—but Claudio gestured for me not to."

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