CHAPTER 3: Settled In

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My cousin, Morgan and I both have just arrived at the school and right away she has caught the attention (like always) of the popular kids. I can tell they already want her to join their group by the way their demeanor is and the way they are walking towards us now.

"Hi." The girl who was walking in the front of them all approached us with a huge fake smile, mostly looking at my cousin.

I was a few feet away looking for a sign that showed where to check in at.

"Hey." My cousin, Morgan, smiles in reply to the girl.

"Welcome to the Academy for the most talented, Supernatural beings." She greets Morgan.

"Thanks. I have always wanted to come here." Morgan lied.

"Who doesn't. So what's your talent?" She asks her.

"I am a witch." She replies.

"So are we. You should join our covenant." The girl suggests.

"I would love to!" Morgan replied in excitement.

"Of course you would! Everybody wants to become a part of our covenant but we are very particilar in who we accept. I'm Sonya by the way and these are my friends." She says.

"It's nice to meet you all." Morgan says.

I notice out the corner of my eye, Sonya looking Morgan up and down before saying anything else. 

"You know, I am a pretty good judge of character and I can tell you are one of us. So, you'll fit perfectly."

"Great! Well, now that we have that all settled, you should move in with us too. We own the victorian house right down the street from here." Sonya offers.

That's it! I have had enough and don't want my aunt to yell at me.

"She can't. She has to stay with me in one of the dorm rooms here. But thanks anyways." I chimed in with a fake smile.

Morgan along with her new posse all snapped their heads at me with glares.

"And who are you?!" One of the girls asks.

"I'm Cydni Holl....." I started to say until Morgan cut me off then snapped another look at me and caused me to lose my voice. I hate when she does that to me. It's temporary but still, hurts my throat somewhat every so often.

Morgan has abilities - that wasn't a lie, but has evil intentions and horrific uses for them. 

She next finishes my sentence for me, except not in the same words I would have chosen.

"She's my cousin. My mother forced me to bring her along, you know, out of sympathy." Morgan lies while rolling her eyes.

"Oh, well, that's too bad. However, to be part of our group, you have to be living with us. She can stay in the dorm rooms because we only have one spare room left anyways and it is big enough for only one." Sonya smirks at me.

I wouldn't want to join their group anyways and besides, I guess it is a good thing in a way to not mention exactly who I am because I would hate to have fake people be around me because of my last name and who my parents were.

Besides, I know the truth and really don't give a shit what she thinks. Just as long as my aunt doesn't find out.

Before walking off, Morgan made sure to tell me that I can go on ahead and find a room to stay in. She would talk to me later.

I nodded in agreement then turned and walked towards the building to check in.

I don't mind being alone to be honest and deep down am hoping to have a room all to myself.

Right when I walk inside of the huge building where the dorms are at and after standing in a line that takes what feels like forever to get checked in and be assigned to a room, by the time I got to the desk, the lady with make up that matched along with some glitter on her cheeks, whom I immediately recognized as a pixie fairy, greeted me with a smile.

"Hi there! Welcome!" She says.

"Hi! Thanks. I need a room please. My aunt Belinda should have reserved one." I mentioned.

"Hmm. Sounds familiar." She stated before looking in the computer at the list of names and asked if I was 'Cydni Huntsman?' to which I nodded in agreement.

"Where is your cousin?" She asks.

"Oh, she met up with a few girls and will be back tonight." I lied.

"Oh. Alright then. You can give her the spare key and welcome to the best academy for the supernatural." She smiles real big again.
"So you'll be up on the fifth floor. When you get to the top of the stairs or once off the elevator, you make a sharp right, walk down eight feet, then your room will be on the right, room 558." She explains then hands me a packet brochure and points at the staircase behind her where I notice also some elevators are at too, near the bottom of the stairwell.

I thank her and start making my way towards where the room is at.

Once inside, I feel relieved and suddenly feel more happy than I have been in a very long time.

The room wasn't all too bad and was actually much nicer than I had imagined it would be. This was going to be great having my very own room and not having to share it with anybody - especially Morgan.

Now, since I prefer getting my things out and put away as soon as I arrive somewhere I am staying at, I begin flicking my wrists and motion as if I was a conductor composing an orchestra and having my things be out to where I want them without me having to move around and physically do so.

Everything was hung up and put away faster than if I had done it all myself physically (like humans do it) and plopped back onto my bed and rested there a while before taking a look at my schedule for tomorrow.

I can't wait to learn many different spells and become hopefully as great as both my parents were.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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