CHAPTER 8: How In the Hell?!

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Ever since that day with the roller coaster incident and everything, I have found myself and my wolf become a little bit obsessed as some would say.

There is something about her that has me curious and intrigued to the point where I feel I have become almost like a stalker.

I try and be subtle about it and don't necessarily follow her every move but for some reason when we cross paths for even just a brief moment, I can't seem to stay away further.

It is crazy because she isn't my mate or anything and yet the pull is that strong for both my wolf and I.

I've gotten a little better however throughout the following week until I realized she was starting to take classes that are really meant for seniors only and I know she is a freshman here.

Not sure as to how she got bumped but guess she is very advanced or her name is probably the meaning of something and she got it based on her status (kind of like how I was able to come back was based on that).

Either way, I am doing good at resisting to want to follow her around and have been making sure to keep myself busy after classes even.

Tonight, I had hooked up with a girl who I met in one of my classes and was a regular wolf who hadn't found her mate neither and we decided to hang out then hooked up afterwards.

Once she left, just like always, I couldn't sleep. So I decided to take my wolf and I down to the gym to hopefully tire the both of us out.

I had decided to use mostly the punching bag after running for ten miles on the treadmill beforehand.

I love these things because they help me get out all the frustration and anger I have so that I don't continue carrying it around and possibly take it out on others. Which was also a reason I was forced to leave the academy before.

That was something I was told about in doing to help control any anger that arises so that I never lash out unless needed to. That was one of the few handful of advices my father gave me.

When I had finished, I was thankfully able to head back towards my room and sleep soundly through the rest of the night.

The Next Morning

After waking up and getting ready to head off to my first class, I was mind linked by my uncle who was checking in and seeing how things were going.

"They're good." I replied.

"Good. I plan to stop by sometime next month and see you and maybe take you out to celebrate." He states.

"Sure. Sounds good." I replied.

"Alright then. Talk to you later. I'm proud of you and your parents would be too." He says.

"Thanks. Talk to you later." Then we stopped.

He sounded a bit different. He sounded like he was being real sincere and genuinely proud of me.

Despite him and I having our differences in certain matters and issues with how I choose on doing certain things, for the most part, he is a good guy and great uncle. The both of our egos seem to just clash with each other at times.

When I first returned back here, I had assumed that I would know more because of the same classes I am taking. However, I guess for a couple of the professor's here, they seem to have taught differently by teaching about different things and techniques.

Now this meant that I would have to make a trip to the library to check out some books in which is something I never have done really since my first two years here.

Once classes were over and I finished grabbing a bite to eat real fast, I made my way over towards the library.

After asking the librarian in where the books I needed were located, I started making my way towards near the end of the place.

There were so many books to choose from and honestly, I thought it wouldn't be too hard in finding what I was looking for but turns out that this might take me a while.

While searching for the titles, I had noticed on the opposite side was that girl.

I then tried to turn my attention back to the books and once I pulled it out, I noticed that she had grabbed a book as well that was literally near mine and we both noticed one another.

She didn't look at me shocked or in any same way she has in the past before but she quickly turned and started walking away.

I finished finding all the books I needed and while walking towards the desk to check them out, I noticed her sitting down at one.of the several long tables, reading.

What happened next was.....actually, I don't even know what it was that made me do what I did. I just walked over and set my things down onto the table and sat in the chair across from her.

She didn't look up but I could tell she knew it was me.

There was silence between the both of us and I could tell she was irritated and not too happy I sat down.

Then a short while later, I notice her begin to gather her stuff and put them inside of her messenger bag before standing up.

Damn! I didn't even say anything and she still has an attitude.

What the hell did I do though?! She doesn't even know me. More importantly, why in the hell do I even care?! That girl really needs to learn how to not be so rude.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Sorry I didn't post. Meant to yesterday but my stupid Wi-Fi was acting stupid again. BUT now it is all good. Lol. So hope you enjoy this chapter. :)

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