CHAPTER 14: Friends

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I was sure Cydni would be taking things personal into thinking I was ignoring her and in fact could read her mind as we always walked by each other in the hallway between our classes. Especially after it seemed like things went well from the dinner we had the other night.

However, I was having a really bad couple of days and was really pissed off that I had thought it would be best if I was to just keep away from everybody until I cooled down.

I wanted to make it up to her and everything but was not sure exactly in how to do so. That was until one of my good friends, Damon (who I would like to have become Beta of my pack), suggested I throw a big party.

My first thought was to not do that because I wasn't really feeling like partying really (which was a first ever for me). However, then my wolf kind of 'forced' me that night  to go along with the idea and to invite her. So I did and then mind linked Damon that the party was going to happen Saturday.

Like always, the party was going great until I had found out Sonya and her bitch minions were here and then to find out that that Morgan bitch was starting shit at MY party?! And it was with Cydni?! Hell no! That's why I quickly ended it and kicked her dumb ass out.

Cydni looked a little uncomfortable and made me think of how this could have been a mistake instead of a good way to apologize for my behavior for the past few days.

That's when I tried to make her smile, guided us through the crowd of people, grab some food and drinks and then make our way into one of the spare rooms I turned into a game room soredove, for more privacy and we sat down on these two big bean bags.

When I noticed her smile and kind of laugh at me when I first picked up the drinks and foods, I immediately felt I was hooked on her smile and as soon as we sat down, I right away commented on it.

"You should smile more often. It's very infectious." I tell her before I start eating some food.

"Haven't heard that one before." She says.

"What? I thought that was a good line." I said.

"It was. I meant that in a good way. I really have never gotten a comment like that from anyone. Especially a guy. I liked it." She replied with a blush as she reached over and grabbed something from off the platter.

"Oh. Good." I smiled back.

"You know, I never thought they had dorms like this. It reminds me of what a penthouse would look like in New York or a presidential suite in a hotel." She commented.

"Yeah. I like to live comfortably." I replied.

We sat there for a few moments and talked some more, ate and drank our sodas when I suddenly felt the need to say something I should have started off saying. In fact, I was surprised she didn't bring it up yet.

"Cydni, I wanted to explain about my behavior the past couple of days. It was nothing personal." I began.

"It's fine. I mean, it was shitty and I was pissed in thinking you were playing with me but, eh, it happens." She shrugged her shoulders up and down.

"But it shouldn't have. See, I had this argument with my uncle and when I get to a certain point of being pissed off, I have found in the past that it's best I cool down and keep my distance from everybody." I confessed.

Damn, that sounded like I had an anger problem and now she probably thought I meant when I get upset that I turn to physical violence when in actuality, it's more along the lines of me shouting and yelling and the worst I can get is throwing my fists through a wall. Okay, I guess I might have a slight anger issue but, then again, that is also why I go to a gym and use their punching bag.

"Well, I accept your apology." She replies after thinking for a moment.

"Good." I nodded my head in agreement and with relief. "Friends?" I asked while holding out my hand.

The look on her face is satisfying. It's not that I wouldn't want to be more but I can't risk her getting attached and then when I do find my mate, breaking her heart. It wouldn't be fair.

Ever since the Moon Goddess agreed I do the things she asked for me to do and succeed, then one of the things I wanted more than anything in the world was to find my mate.

The next thing I notice is Cydni smiling before we shake hands on the agreement.

"Friends." She replies.

Neither one of us let each other's hands go and didn't look away as our eyes were locked with each other's for a moment before we both realized we were leaning in closer towards one another until our lips touched and we started kissing each other.

I soon found one of my hands touch the side of her face as one of hers went onto the back of my neck while we made out for a moment while I lean her back and lay on top of her, kissing from her mouth down to the side of her neck when suddenly the door opened up and in walked a stumbling Damon with his arm around some girl he has hooked up with.

"Whoops!" He slurs a little and they leave, closing the door behind them.

When Cydni and I look back at each other, we both laugh a little.

"I guess I should have locked the door." I joked.

"Yeah." She chuckled.

"Where were we?" I smiled and leaned forward to kiss her again but she stopped me.

"Wait. Uhm, I'm sorry. I's my first time and I don't..." She began to say but I stopped her.

"It's okay. I understand. And don't be sorry." I tell her.

I then got off her and sat back down in my bean bag.

"Are you mad?" She asks.

"Of course not. In fact, I admire you for not. I respect that. And I understand why." I reassure her again.

"A-are we still friends?" She asked me.

"Of course. Yeah. Friends." I tell her.

Despite what I had thought moments ago in having her and I be just friends in the end, for some reason, I feel different about it now.
However, I will accept it still.

She next called it a night and left after we mentioned we would see each other Monday at school.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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