CHAPTER 28: Forced Assignment

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It was not right away that Cydni had come to after blacking out and once she did later that night, we both decided to head on back to the Academy and hopefully speak with the dean. However, she was not there. In fact, not many were there and obviously that was due to it still being Winter break.

Cydni and I had both decided to just stay at my place until everyone had returned and the dean would be able to help us.

Days passed since we had returned and now it's already New Years Eve. Because of all the chaos that had happened, I remembered how I never even gave her her Christmas present. So tonight while watching a movie, I waited until the perfect moment to give it to her.

"I meant to give you this for Christmas." I tell her while taking out the jewelry box from my pocket and handing it over to her.

She looked at it and sat up then smiled as she began to open it up.

"You didn't have to get me anything." She says.

"I know. But I saw it and immediately knew it would look great on you." I tell her.

The expression on her face when she saw it was priceless as she began to tear up a little.

"Oh my God." She mumbles before looking back up at me. "It's beautiful. I love it."

"I'm glad." I smiled in reply and started to help her out it on.

It looked more beautiful on her than I had originally imagined it would.

"Thank you so much!" She smiled and leaned in to give me a kiss.

"You're welcome." I replied.

"Well, now that I know you don't find gifts corny or nothing, I got you something also." She tells me with excitement before getting up and grabbing it from her bag.

She hands me this little drawstring pouch and inside was a braided leather bracelet. At first glance it looked like a regular ordinary plain leather bracelet (in which I thought was still nice) but when she told me to take a closer look, each strand that was braided had symbols on them.

"What does it say?" I chuckled a little feeling foolish because I couldn't read what they meant.

"The lady at the store where I usually get my supplies from, she gave this to me and told me that whenever are near, the symbols will light up and you right away will be protected from any harm or malevolent spell that is to be casted upon you. Even physically, you won't be harmed. Especially from Malick and his kind." She finished telling me.

I couldn't believe that something like this had even existed in the first place and feel MORE than grateful right now. In fact, this is the best gift I have ever received.

"I know guys don't really wear jewelry, except for watches and I take no offense if you don't want to wear it..." She began to say until I cut her off by grabbing the side of her face and kissing her.

"I love it." I tell her while gently putting my forehead against hers.

I then place it into my wrist and we finish watching the movie just a few minutes from midnight. Then once midnight hit and we both counted down until the ball dropped on TV, we next wished each other a Happy New Years and kissed each other before toasting.

I swear, these human traditions, as silly as some sound, this is one of my favorite ones.

Several Days Later

Winter break was finally over with and everything returned back to normal with classes and such.

Today was also the day the head of the Academy agreed to see both Cydni and I.

Cydni looked very nervous as we both walked hand-in-hand together inside of the office where her secretary was sitting behind her desk as always, working.

The moment she looked up and noticed it was us, she smiled and then stood up to walk towards our direction and greet us.

Poor thing, her hair looks always disheveled a bit while her hair clip holds the rest of her hair back and her small cateye-style glasses hanging always on the bridge of her nose.

"I am so sorry, I should have notified you both. The head Mistress, she had an emergency. She did however, tell me to inform the both of you she will reschedule as soon as she returns." She explains.

"Damn!" I say under my breath.

"Do you know when she'll be back?" Cydni asks her.

"Unfortunately I do not. She didn't even mention to me where she was going." She states. "Is there anything I could possibly help you both with?" She asks.

"No thanks. We'll just try back again when she returns." I replied.

After Cydni and I left and we're walking down the hallway, I couldn't help but feel like something was not right.

"I feel the same way too." I hear Cydni say.

"Let's just get to class and I will pick you up after your last one. Then we'll just grab a bite to eat and head to my place." I tell her.

"Okay." She replies with a smile.

During one of my classes, we had an assignment that was going to be due soon and unfortunately, Sonya was randomly  chosen to become my partner. I tried manipulating the professor to convince him to put me with someone else, but it was no use.

Damnit! I hope Cydni won't mind this. Besides, she can be right there watching us if she wants to. Although I will try first in making sure we can do our work mostly during class.

This was the LAST thing I needed right now because of what all had happened with Cydni and I but, this will be most of our grade so, I really don't have much of a choice.

This assignment had to do with spells and how wolves have to know how to identify them and how to prevent from anything bad happening. This would have been better if Cydni was in the class because then she could be my partner instead.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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