CHAPTER 43: The Worst Day Of My Life

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Things were happening so fast and the fact that we soon were going to have to leave and practically 'hide out' somewhere as if we were criminals, was making me feel now (the more I think about it) more fearful about being judged by the council and afraid of what was yet to come, all because of me.

After the Dean finished telling us everything and was about to go over the plan a little more, we heard Morgan's bloodcurdling scream come and immediately ran inside only to find her entire body engulfed in flames as she laid there. The fire wasn't spreading and remained only on her, in which I found to be odd but didn't have time to think of it and the moment I started to run and help put her out, I was stopped while two strong hands wrapped around my waist and tried getting me out of the room.

I screamed in horror while crying as I began trying to fight off Remington and push him away so I could save her but it was too late and what felt like hours of hearing her screams, she stopped.

The Dean and Remington's uncle had gone to put her out while Remington had me in his arms in the living room.

I felt like I was in a movie and every thing was moving in slow motion.

This all had to be a cruel joke of some kind. I can't believe this is happening.

A couple minutes later, Remington's uncle came walking out and I finally pushed away from Remington and walked up to his uncle who I noticed was avoiding eye contact.

"I want to see her." I tell him and he grabs my arm to stop me.

"No!" He states.

"Yes! She is MY cousin and I demand to see her!" I snapped back at him.

"She's gone!" He tells me.

"Yeah because you wouldn't let me save her!" I snapped back.

"No. I mean that she is not there." He mentions.

"What the hell does that mean??" I asked.

Then before he could say anything else, the Dean came out behind me and not only did I know things were bad by the look upon her face but also what looked to be black ashes on her hands and some smudges on her clothes.

I was not going to NOT see Morgan, so I was able to get passed the Dean and came to a complete hault when I saw that in the very same spot on the bed where she was laying down at that had nothing but black ashes as a result of the fire, but no body was anywhere to be seen.

"You guys need to leave right now." I heard the Dean mention behind me.

"Who did this?!" I asked her.

"We'll talk about it later." She tells me..

'Who did this?!" I managed to ask.

She hesitated at first and she too avoided looking at me until she began speaking.

"It was the same one who attacked you weeks ago.  He somehow manifested himself into the bedroom and...." She stopped and began tearing up even more before finishing - trying to finish.

I was infuriated and heart broken all in one. In fact, it looked to me as if she was fighting back even more tears.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I yelled.

"Calm down." The Dean tried calming me down but I wasn't having it.

"I will NOT calm down! I am so tired of people telling me to either 'calm down' or    relax when the type of shit I am going through has caused me to feel everything BUT those things. So do me a favor and STOP treating me as if I am a little girl that won't understand anything!" I finally snapped at her before walking back out into the living room.

"Cydni, please believe me that it isn't because we think you are too young to understand things but we are trying to, believe it or not, protect you." She states.

"Yeah, and how the hell is that working out?" I fired back at her.

She next had a look of defeat and let out a big sigh before punching the bridge of her nose.

"Tell me exactly what the hell is going on and who the hell this thing is because I feel like there are things you have been keeping from me. " I explain.

She looks at the Moon Goddess, Remington and his uncle and everybody else before shaking her head before telling me that we needed to leave right now before promising to tell me things once we reached where we needed to stay low at.

"Baby?" I heard Remington's calming voice say my name.

"What?!" I accidentally snapped at him then immediately apologized.

He just smiled and said that it was no big deal and that we should take their advice and grab our bags to leave.

Although there was literally nothing left for me here and Morgan was gone, I still have yet to fully process everything.

Well, at least the Dean plans to tell me EVERYTHING. At least she better.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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