CHAPTER 45: Just Another Day

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Did he just say what I think he said?!

After the shock from the words Remington just blurted from his lips, I snapped myself back into the moment and walked up to him.

"No. I REFUSE to let you take the blame for ANY kind of consequences that come from all of this. Do you hear me?! We all knew and accepted our fates at the end of this. So do us all a favor and DON'T try to be the hero in this scenario, because none of us will allow that to happen." I assertively told him.

"We'll discuss this later." Remington tells mutters to me as the Moon Goddess along with both the Dean and his Uncle agreed.

I was furious that we could not discuss it now but for the sake of 'moving things along,' I remained silent and sat down on one of the couches with my arms crossed over my chest as I avoided any eye contact with Remington, while the Dean and Moon Goddess began discussing with us their plans for the next week.

"Alright. I have plans to meet up with someone I know within the wolf council whom I believe can help us." The Dean stated.

"And I too will be speaking with a few members as well who owe me several favors. We will gather as much information as we can and all we ask is that you all remain here. If there is anything you shall need, Remington's uncle here, will be able to get it. Whether it is good or clothes or anything. In the meantime we have stocked up the kitchen and panties and of course, will be informing you all as information is given to us." The Moon Goddess says.

"So we can't leave the house, ever?" Reece asks.

The moment she asked that question I immediately felt regret as I realized that the one and only true friend I had ever had was now caught up in all of this mess. It does not even matter that Damon is her mate because it sucks for him as well since this issue has all happened technically because of me.

"In a sense, yes. However, you may stand around or walk around the house and in the backyard but you will notice there is a wall surrounding this property that is covered in the tall aging trees. They will provide the privacy needed for the time being. If any of you shall cross over or surpass the walls then, only luck will hopefully play a factor for your fate." The Dean finished stating with sympathy in her voice.

We next all shared a moment of silence, yet again and happens to be something I have figured out, just recently, that we are getting better accustomed to doing lately, together.

The Dean and the Moon Goddess along with Remington's uncle all headed outside as he was going to drop them off then head back with some take out.

This was a huge mess. This even felt a bit surreal. Yet I know this is anything but.

I needed some air and some alone time to think so I just walked outside without looking at anybody or saying anything to anyone and ignoring people saying my name to try and stop me.

The moment I stepped outside and walked to the side of the house to lean back up against the wall and slide down to sit on the ground then sob with my face on my knees, I felt like I could breathe for the first time since I woke up this morning.

I pushed my hair back with my hands and continued to sit there for a while longer.

"Why?! Why does any of this have to happen? I miss you both so much that it hurts. And now that you aren't here to help me..." I stopped myself for a moment before continuing to rant to myself out loud in hopes my parents could hear me (wherever they were).

"I feel more lost than I ever have before. I know that I had to have failed you both in so many ways, especially now with all of this bullshit going on. It isn't fair! It isn't fucking fair that you guys are gone and that I was too weak and afraid to have saved you. Now all I have left is nothing but memories and that book you guys left me. I need your help with fixing all of this. Please. Rather it be that you come to me in a dream or you help give me the strength to read more in that book. Please help me. I need your help because I am not only lost with you both here but I feel nowhere near as good or strong as you both were." I sobbed harder and did not care anymore how soaked my sleeves were or how wet my face got from all the tears I was shedding and wiping away at the moment.

Within a few moments of sobbing and calming myself down a little more, I finally had decided to take in a few deep breaths and make sure I dried my eyes up the best I could before walking back into the house.

Now sure, they would all be able to notice my puffy eyes and know I was crying but at least there would not be as many. So after calming myself down and taking in a few deep breaths along with telling myself that Remington was going to have to accept the fact that he will NOT be taking the full blame, I got up and as soon as I began wiping off my jeans a little, I noticed standing just a few feet away from me was everybody.

Everyone had looked to have heard me because they each had a look of sadness and pity for me. Even Remington had so much guilt as he stood there in front of everybody looking at me with guilt.

"We couldn't take it anymore. We could hear you and feel your pain." Reece struggled to state.

Then right when I thought I had no more tears to cry, I felt my eyes water up again and this time, I was immediately embraced in hugs from everybody but mainly from Remington who gave me a kiss and that he loved me.

I too replied 'I love you.' Then we all next went inside and tried distracting ourselves from everything going on as we watched some movies while everybody else decided to play some games of pool in the game room they supposedly had set up in the basement area and ate some dinner his uncle had brought back for us.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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