CHAPTER 48: The Catch

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Within the last few nights, I have been having certain dreams. Dreams that I am starting to believe may not be just an ordinary dream after all. Maybe there could possibly be something more to them.

My uncle had left early this morning after being called in by the head councilman for the Wolf council and to be honest, he seemed a bit nervous.

He did not give me much detail but assured me that things were alright and that he was sure it has to do with the Moon Goddess and Raina. So I had believed they had spoken with their friends and the head council and thought to myself that maybe they needed to speak with him some more about a few things before having Cydni and I meet up with them.

There was still fear in the back of my mind that caused my wolf and I to be a little bit nervous throughout the day as we all waited to get word.

"What do you think they are talking about?" Cydni asked with concern.

"I'm not sure." I told her as I took hold of her hand in mine and kissed the top of it as I looked into her eyes.

She has been reading that book she was given at the library since early this morning and has not yet taken a break - she even skipped breakfast and barely ate her lunch.

"I'm sure things will be okay." She tells me while seeming to try and convince the both of us that that was true when deep down we both had an inkling that maybe things were not going to be.

"So what have you found in the book? Anything interesting?" I tried asking to change the subject a little bit.

"This book is filled with a lot of information about not only all the council's but it seems to contain a few secrets here and there, along with some history and what looks to be ingredients to important spells that are good to know." She replies.

"Anything that could possibly help us at this moment?" I hinted while being both half serious and half not.

"Not sure - maybe. I still feel as though I have more questions than answers at the moment but yet at the same time, I can not help but feel all the answers are still inside of here and I am sure I will find them eventually. I just need to keep reading." She smiled at me.

I nodded my head and looked out into the woods for a moment as we both sat hand in hand beside one another in a chair on the patio, sharing a moment of silence.

"Do you think it it's true?" I hear her randomly ask.

"What?" I asked.

"That it's dangerous for us to leave the perimeters here? I mean, enough to where you guys and your werewolves can run for a bit while still being somewhat near by here?" She asks.

"Honestly, I have been very tempted to test that 'warning,' ever since they first told us about the rules. However, I knew by the serious tones in their voices that day that it would not be worth the risks in testing them out." I explain.

"What's the worst that could happen if neither of you guys allow your wolves out?" She asks.

"There are other ways we can try and give them their 'exercise' or have them 'strech their legs out' sorta speak." I chuckled a bit.

She started to chuckle a little bit as well. Then a few moments later as we continued sitting there enjoying each other's company, we heard the sliding door behind us open up and Reece was standing there.

"Your uncle has returned." She informed us both.

Cydni and I got up and headed inside where I noticed my uncle was sitting at the bar that was located in the corner of the living room already pouring himself a strong drink while shaking a little bit.

All the guys were looking at him and then at me with worry in their eyes.

"What happened?" I asked him.

He did not reply right away and looked straight out the window across the room before scoffing and looking down at his drink, swirling it in his hand then downs it quickly without so much as a flinch from the strength of the pure alcohol in it before pouring himself another drink.

"Uncle?!" I tried getting his attention again, despite the fact he looked now angry and on edge to where I knew he could explode at any moment. Before eventually looking at me then downing the rest of his second drink before pouring another one as he then started to explain what was going on.

"I just found out some things that...disturbed me quite a bit. Not only that but, you and I must talk. There are a couple of things that will be revealed to the both of you very soon and as much as I would like to tell you both, I fear it will distract you from being able to prepare for what is yet to come." He states as he downs his third drink before slamming down his glass of just ice cubes now and has me follow him to the backyard where he proceeds to tell me some things that get me worked up really good and have opened my eyes to some events that have and could possibly still take place in where we must all prepare for it.

The catch is, however, I can NOT tell anyone yet because the details are still a bit more complicated and the possible risks at hand now are far greater than they were before.

I feel sick to my stomach with the information he has told me and the worst part is that I can not tell Cydni about any of this.....yet.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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