CHAPTER 34: A New Truth

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Today I was meeting up with Damon and the guys as we tried to reach out once again to get a hold of the Moon Goddess, but still were not able to reach her.

Damon and I decided to grab ourselves some lunch while the rest of the guys had other plans and took off.

Not too long after we had started to eat, then he started to tell me what he was going to last night.

"So look, there was something I wanted to talk with you about. I had tried last night but then, that other thing happened." He chuckled a little.

"Oh, right. What's up?!" I replied.

"So I have found something out. I wasn't entirely sure it was legit but, I dug around some, like I do, and discovered something about Cydni." He began.

Right away, both my wolf and I get in a defensive mode but at the same time try and calm ourselves down to hear him out in what he has to say first.

"And what was that?" I asked him while feeling a little worried as to what he might say next.

"Her last name isn't what she has been telling everybody. It's Hollingsworth." He tells me.

"She is the daughter of Mildred and Edward Hollingsworth. The best Sorcerer and Witch ever. Their family...." He started to continue but I stopped him.

"I know." I replied to him before looking up at him and noticing a bewildered look upon his face.

"You know?! If you know then you must know why she has been going around making people believe she is somebody else she isn't also." He states.

"I do. To be honest, I thought it was smart of her aunt to have her go by a different last name. Not to mention the fact that it was smart in a way for Cydni to go along with it as well so she did not stand out too much while she was here. I mean, I can't say for sure as to why she hasn't at least been honest to tell me why she chooses to lie to everybody else, but I am sure she has a good reason. But.....I knew who she was after talking with my uncle that one night." I proceed to tell him. "That night after she was attacked."

"I'm confused." Damon starts telling me. "So how did you find out and why haven't you said anything to her? I mean, she knows of course you're a hybrid."

I look at him and try to hide the guilt within me that I have felt ever since I made her fall for me and have been terrified ever since.

I looked away for a moment to gather myself before telling him everything after swearing first to me not to tell anybody else what I was about to tell him - not even the guys. To which of course he swore.

"Part of the agreement in me returning was to make sure I also had found Cydni. I didn't know of course what she looked like and was told that when I did eventually find her I was to protect her. Then the night I spoke with my uncle and after telling him about the attack, he explained to me how she was Cydni Hollingsworth. So I..." I had to stop myself for a moment to keep myself from tearing up and breaking down before continuing.

"So I decided to try and make her befriend me so that way she would have to be close to me always and that way I could keep an eye on her." I tell him.

"Hold up. You mean to tell me, that you fucking made Cydni Hollingsworth befriend you as part of an assignment?! But wait a minute, you guys are together. So now you're just fucking with her emotions! Bro, even I think that's a new low for you. How the fuck could you..." He began to try and go off on me but I stopped him.

"I know how it looks but trust me, I fell for her too at the same time!" I hurried to fire back at him. "And everyday I try so fucking hard to keep my mind away from those thoughts so that she never finds out because if she ever did.." I stopped myself and shook my head at the thoughts of what she could say or feel.

"Remington, you HAVE to tell her though. I'm sure she wouldn't still expose about you being a hybrid or anything. Even if so..." He stated and once again I stopped him.

"I don't care about that anymore! I could care less if she did even out of spite to get back at me. There would be no greater punishment to me than if she found out and began to question rather or not what we have is real. I know it would kill her as it would me, knowing that I hurt her. Very quickly became my everything the moment I asked her to be mine and she agreed to risk everything, for me. Just as I would her." I had finished.

We both sat there in silence before he eventually said something.

"Look, I promise I won't tell anybody but, we both know you HAVE to tell her everything. You will need to explain to her about what is going on. And even though I'm not sure exactly how the end will turn out, I am sure that she would, if anything, eventually calm down and you both could still try and work things out enough to convince the council's and everyone about hybrids and everything." He says. "No matter what, me and the guys will have your back. Shit, even Reece and I now will be there beside you and Cydni to try and convince everybody about hybrids and such." He tries to make me laugh a little at the end, which I do.

Suddenly, we see a panicking Reece run past the deli here and she stops the moment she spots us in here. She then quickly runs in up to us and tries to catch her breath right before finally telling us what is wrong.

"It's Cydni. She has gone after Morgan, her cousin. She is in danger." She proclaims.

We all next quickly get up and try to find where she could have gone to.

Between both the speeds of Damon and I running on both our feet along with the speed of Reece as soon as she turned into a tiny fairy form and flew in front of us,heading the way of where her senses are picking up on Cydni's whereabouts, all I could think of the whole time was why she left to help out her cousin when she had told me the horrible stories about how she treated her alongside her aunt.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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