CHAPTER 24: Time

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That was.....I didn't know how that all came about.

Never in my entire life have I ever told anyone what really happened to my mother and have always made things up to avoid awkward situations or receiving empathy and people liking me for the wrong reasons. I don't need anybody's pity. However with Cydni, something about her made it so easy for me to pour my heart out and trust her.

Then once she told me her story afterwards, I felt a familiarity with it, but at the same time it has certain similarities to another story I have heard. It doesn't matter anyhow.

Besides, I'm glad we did that because it seems like it brought us together a bit more.

The Holiday Festival was going great and it was all set up in the center of the town as if you just walked into Santa's Village of some sort.

Fake snow was everywhere as were the many lights and music along with everybody dressed in holiday-wear.

Even though all the shops in town already had decor on their windows and doors since we first arrived, they seemed to have amped it up for the festival in particular tonight.

The entire place was lit up. Everybody seemed truly happy and I took notice that people were giving us more 'acceptable' looks than when we first came here. 

Every inch of this area in the center of the town were a few carnival rides and several food venues serving things from cotton candy to hot chocolate, etc (all homemade). There were especially some great Holiday - themed games to play such as pin the nose on Rudolph and instead of small bean bags being tossed through a few holes cut out on plywood, it was a few present-looking bags you had to toss in Santa's sack.

While walking hand-in-hand throughout the place, I loved looking at how much Cydni's expression lit up as much as a kid's would. I swear, she is so cute.

Within a couple of hours, we had played several games, rode the ferris wheel and grabbed some food and drinks before taking our seat at an empty picnic table.

The both of us talked, laughed, ate and were having so much fun. In fact, more fun than I remember having as a kid. Then again we focused more on my training whenever we came up here for 'vacation.'

Then an older couple had walked over and asked if they could join us.

They were really cute. Both had silver hair and the lady stated she was sixty-five, was not that much taller than Cydni and reminded me a lot like Stevie Nicks with her Bohemian style. Her husband seemed laid-back and was rocking the silver hair, dressed casually and happened to be a few years older than his wife.

"Well aren't you both cute." The lady cooked at us with her thick southern accent.  "I'm Nancy and this here is my husband, Fred." She introduced.

Next Cydni and I introduced ourselves to them and we sat there for another almost two hours talking and getting to know the couple until we realized how late it was getting and since Cydni had looked like she was tired anyways.

"Well it was very nice to meet you both but, we've gotta get goin'." I tell them.

"Sure. We should be gettin' along as well. This one here gets cranky when he don't get enough sleep and we have to hit the road real early tomorrow mornin'." She states while gesturing with a nod of her head at her husband.

"Woman, you talk too much!" Her husband exclaimed in a half serious and half teasing way as he gave her a playful wink.

We all shared a chuckle.

"Anywaaayys, it was very nice meeting you both as well and hope you have a great Holiday." Nancy said.

"Thanks. You too." Cydni and I replied before we all parted ways.

After we made our way back to the cabin and Cydni started a fire again in our bedroom with the flick of her hand, we headed off to bed.

Then before I was able to fully fall asleep, I began thinking a lot about the last conversation between my uncle and I earlier, during my run. I feel I should tell Cydni everything, but know that at the same time, I can't. At least not until I am entirely, without a doubt, sure about a few things first.

Either way, when the right time does come, I am sure she will hate me and more than death or anything/anyone else, it is that particular task that I fear the most.

I must speak with the Moon Goddess when we return after New Years. Maybe she can help me out and give me advice. Maybe I can even suggest doing something else for her.

Right now I just want to continue enjoying my time with her for as long as I can.

Tonight I ended up having a dream about my mother and it felt as though I was living in a home movie. One of my favorite memories of her and I was when for my sixth birthday she took me hiking. My father was busy the whole day doing his duties as being head of the wolf council.

My mother made a picnic for us and when we reached the half way point of where we had wanted to be, we sat near a creek and had ourselves a picnic along with a special homemade baked cupcake for me and I remember her teaching and showing me things that made me feel less like a freak.

Being a hybrid made me feel insecure at times. Made me feel as though it was not okay to be one. I even felt at times that my father was embarrassed by us both because of what we were. Illegal or not, nothing hurt as bad as how he would make us feel.

My mother was an amazing mom and a very gifted Sorceress who I felt at times deserved better than my father.

Sure there was no doubt he loved her but showing it seemed to be very difficult and in public things seemed fake and 'forced' a bit, at times.

Although my father is no longer alive, I still make pathetic attempts to try and impress him to make him proud of me.

My god, how pathetic do I sound?!?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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