CHAPTER 38: The Next Step

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I can not believe this is happening. How could I have ever let things get this way even in the first place? I should have told her sooner and I truly had planned on doing so after speaking with the Moon Goddess and the Dean that day and then when I had arrived after receiving a mindlink from the Moon Goddess to go and see them both before having Cydni join us, after arriving, I soon realized something else was going on and was surprised to see the librarian and the shop lady were standing there as well.

The next thing I know, I am defending myself and nearly disagreeing with the Moon Goddess without worrying about the consequences just moments before next having to chase down Cydni.

It has been a couple of weeks now and I can not stand it. I miss her. I miss her laugh. Her smile. Her scent. I miss her lying next to me. My wolf is going crazy even.

Everyday I've been arguing with both myself and my wolf as we go back and forth in thinking we should try to be with her and risk getting into trouble with the Moon Goddess and the rest of them as well as risking being yelled at also by Cydni.

Damon and Reece haven't even spoken with each other and I know how it has to be killing him and his wolf as well. Every day he gets more depressed and short tempered over the smallest things.

Despite understanding why the Moon Goddess stated what she did, I still do not care.

In the beginning she sounded as if she would stand by Cydni and I as we stood in front of the council, confessing our love to one another - at least that is what I had thought. But then when she told me in the Dean's office there was so much more danger coming as well as me not waiting to hear back from her first before even trying to be with Cydni publicly and display public affection, drawing unnecessary attention, as the Moon Goddess stated, it made things far more complicated and she reacted in a shocking way.

That day after Cydni telling me it was over, I had felt as though my heart was literally being torn apart inside. Never thought the pain of losing someone you love could physically hurt this bad.

Then to make things worse, while I was not home, a few days after Cydni broke it off with me, I had returned from a late and long work out and while grabbing a drink from the fridge, I noticed out the corner of my eye, the necklace I gave to Cydni was on the counter. Next as I walked into the bedroom and saw all of her things were gone, the pain returned even stronger this time and I practically fell to my knees sobbing.

Throughout these last couple of weeks, I had replayed in my head over and over again what the Moon Goddess told me to see if I could make sense of it all and eventually came to a conclusion.

Apparently I had been so selfish by insisting Cydni and I be together publicly that I had put her life more in danger. Which meant that in her eyes I had failed anyways it seems. So I guess, looking at it in that perspective, I suppose maybe this is for the better and that we stay apart. As much as it kills me.

Then again she still needs protection and it is no offense to her new friend, Reece and her cousin, well, ESPECIALLY her cousin but I for one do not think neither of them can protect her from what could be coming.

Now sure, I was never given the details in who or what exactly is coming for her or to what exactly the dangers could be to protect her from and who knows if I could even protect her for that matter, but I do believe it would be far better if I was there than anyone else.

I don't know. Maybe I could make things worse though by doing all that.

Fuck me!

After walking around trying to figure some shit out, I began heading back towards the dorm and as soon as I walked in, I heard some music coming from Damon's room (he moved into the guest room a week ago) and had thought about seeing if maybe he would want to grab a bite and do something tonight.

However, the moment I knocked and noticed his door was opened a little bit already, I just opened it more and noticed him laying in bed and Reece was standing off to the side in one of his T-Shirts, both of them looking at me in shock.

"Oh shit!" He says.

I shut the door behind me then walk over and plop myself on the couch in shock. I did not know they were back together.

Moments later they both come walking out - fully dressed and stand a few feet away, looking like they are embarrassed and ashamed.

"Look..." Damon started until I held up my hand to stop him from saying anything else.

"It's cool. I'm glad you both got back together." I tell them. "I was actually going to head out anyways and was going to ask to see if you wanted to join but can tell that you have other plans." I half-smiled.

I felt my chest tighten a bit like it did when Cydni broke up with me and then felt the pain creeping it's way back. So before they had a chance to say anything else, I headed out and just started walking without any destination in mind.

I am truly happy for them both being back together but am also really jealous and right now can not be around the reminder of Cydni at the moment until I figure some things out beforehand.

I needed to think. I needed to figure out what exactly my next step would be and be fast about it.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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