CHAPTER 9: What Is It This Time?!?

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Why is it that weeks later of not having to run into this Remington guy, do I have to see him yet again and he just sits down across from me in the ONE public place I actually enjoy being in because nobody bothers me?!

Either he is stalking me or the universe hates me and is punishing me for some reason unknown.

I tried letting it go and reminding myself that despite how big the academy is, I am bound to run into him from time to time but I just hope that it isn't as often.

When I returned to my room, I noticed a note that stated I was to go and see the head of the academy.


I began making my way towards the academy and the moment I walked into the office to wait for the head mistress to call me in, the door was already opened and I noticed an older lady standing in the doorway.

She looked to be in her fifties but knew the mistress was at least 210 years old. She had a short bob with light - blueish tinsle in her hair that blended beautifully with her salt and pepper colored hair. She wore glasses with a cute design on them and had a very welcoming smile.

"Please, do come in." She says as I nervously begin walking into her office while she closes the door behind her and has me sit across from her desk where she sits down and she looks at me, removing her glasses and smiling.

"Can I get you anything?" She asks.

"No thank you. Am I in some kind of trouble or something?" I asked.

"Not at all. I wanted to speak to you about your courses and your progress." She smiled.

"Alright...?" I replied with uncertainty in where this was going.

"You see, we have high standards here.  Some make it and some don't. In all my years of being the head mistress of this academy, or in the history of this academy in general, there have been just a small handful of individuals who have had the pleasure and opportunity to be gifted with such abilities that surpassed all of the others (before they even made it to their Senior years). You are one of them." She finishes.

That would explain as to why I am successful in all the courses I am taking currently.

"So what does that mean, exactly?" I asked.

"That means you have a rare opportunity and offer I am about to give you. I am offering you a chance to bypass the next few years and advance straight to the Advanced courses and have you make your way straight to the Senior classes and even graduate with them." She smiles.

I sat there for a few more moments and began contemplating back and forth with myself in my head if this was because she knew my REAL last name that the librarian had told her or if this was her being genuine.

"And no, this has nothing to do with who you are related to." She states.

I smile a little because I feel a bit embarrassed and a little ashamed that the thought had even crossed my mind in the first place.

Yet, I can tell that she understood where I was coming from and reassured me once again that my secret was safe with her as well.

"I would be honored. Thank you." I smiled in reply at her.

"Great! It is settled then. You begin your courses tomorrow. And remember, if you ever need anything, let me know." She winked.

"Thanks. I will." I replied before getting up and leaving her office.

On my way back to my dorm, I couldn't stop smiling and feeling more confident in myself than I ever have. This was just what I needed.

When the next day came around and I walked into my first class, I noticed that everybody was looking at me with looks upon their faces that read I had no business being in here because I was a freshman.

Now, normally that would bother me but after knowing why I am in here, I suddenly don't give a rats-ass what they think. I am here for me after all and nobody else.

So I took out my notebook to take down any notes that I would need to and was glad I did because the moment the teacher walked inside the classroom, the man started right away talking about the first spell.

I liked this professor's look and demeanor with him getting right to the point. You could tell he enjoyed what he did and was very serious about it as well with every word coming out from his mouth having a tone of both passion and seriousness in it - which to me was infectious.

After a couple of classes, I felt like lunchtime couldn't come any sooner as my stomach was growling and we had almost two hours for lunch. So I went ahead and went to a deli nearby and bought myself a good size sub with some chips and a drink before next making my way towards an empty table in the corner by one of the windows.

The moment I began to take a third bite, I noticed a group of guys from the academy of course come walking in and were laughing loudly and then as soon as the tallest one out of them all looked over at me, I had immediately recognized it was Remington.

'Whatever.' I thought to myself as I continued eating while looking out the window.

Like I had told myself not too long ago, I wasn't going to let anybody, including him bring me down or anything.

After they had ordered, they seemed to choose a table to sit at behind me and I could feel like I was being stared at - I knew it was him.

Eventually, I had finished my food before making my way back towards the academy and preparing for my next class when while on my way, I ran into my cousin, Morgan.

This whole time I was doing good and not having to worry about seeing her and yet, here she was. Although I could tell by the look on her face that she was getting ready to ask me for a favor.

This should be interesting.....NOT!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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