CHAPTER 19: Should I or Should I Not?!?

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Throughout the rest of the month, I have noticed Remington really taking this whole 'friendship' thing more serious than I had originally assumed.

He has even become a little bit MORE protective than usual.

However, at the same time, I can not knock it. I am enjoying the time we are spending together and getting to know each other more, everyday.

Hanging out with him and getting to know him has been interesting. His friends have been really nice and cool to hang out with as well.

Aside from things going really good, I have come to realize that some of the things we have talked about between each other, I could tell were personal and yet, I haven't felt like I could tell him who I really was and whose name I share.

After a few days later when my voice had finally returned, it had felt a bit weird at first but thankfully the markings disappeared and thanks to also Leo helping me out along the way, I recovered and healed internally as well, just as fast and good as on the outside.

Another good thing that happened was that Leo and Remington had somehow come to a truce of some kind (at least enough to where Remington doesn't feel he has to be an asshole around him now).

Today, I had needed to get some items and ingredients from my favorite usual shop for some spells that were coming up in class before I agreed to meet up with Remington for lunch in a little while.

Before heading inside the shop, I looked up for just a few seconds and noticed both Sonya and Remington talking with each other.

Not too long after noticing them, I began feeling a sense of jealousy? Honestly, I'm not exactly sure as to why. I mean, we are just friends and they obviously are meant for each other. It's a fact. It's written in all the books. They are just one of those couples who were out on this earth to be together.

I quickly looked away as soon as I saw Remington catch me and hurried into the shop.

I swear though, this was the perfect place for me to be. It truly was my favorite place because the moment I step inside here I instantly always feel safe. I even feel like I am at home and comfortable.

"Hey there!" The owner of the shop, Margo, greets me with her usual welcoming smile while she is always busy doing something.

"Hey!" I replied back while heading straight back to where I began gathering the ingredients I needed.

I tried not thinking about what I just saw moments ago and especially tried not letting it get to me. I mean, seriously, what's the point?!

While grabbing a few apothecary bottles and jars, I heard the door open and the bell go off as it always did whenever the door opened and paid no attention until I heard the person reply to Margo after she greeted the customer.

"Oh. And what is it exactly I can do for you, handsome?!" She greeted the guy.

"I'm just looking for my...ah, there she is." I heard Remington's voice reply.

Wow! I am impressed. Never thought anyone who wasn't practicing witchery or any of that sort, would step foot in here. Of course, excluding the fact that I am the only one who knows he is a sorcerer. Which is another bold move coming in here because Margo is very smart and good at reading others.

I next sense him standing right next to me and his scent. My god he smells so good.

"You know, I have some things at my dorm that I can always give you or let you borrow." He randomly tells me.

"It's okay." I replied.

A moment later, I heard him let out a breath before next begin to explain himself about what I saw between him and Sonya.

"Nothing's going on between Sonya and I. We just...." He started explaining until I stopped him.

"It's really none of my business." I tell him while grabbing the last thing I needed and making my way up to the counter.

Then before I am able to take out my coin purse to pay for everything, I see he already handed Margo some money and within a blink of an eye practically, she had everything bagged up and gave him the change along with my bags and she smiled at me and him.

"I shall see you two again." She says.

Remington and I made our way out the shop and went to grab some sandwiches at the nearby deli and went back to his dorm.

Once we had gotten to his dorm and after he grabbed a couple of drinks along with a bag of chips to have with our sandwiches, I was putting the sandwiches on our plates when all of a sudden, I noticed he set the drinks and bag of chips on the counter and then felt his hand gently lift my chin to have me look at him.

The moment our eyes locked with one another, I suddenly felt my a strange feeling in my stomach. It was a feeling I have never felt before.

He next gently places a hand on the side of my face and I can feel myself already trembling a little from his touch but mostly wanting to melt into his hand.

Next without saying anything, he slowly begins leaning in closer towards me as I do the same until our lips gently touch and we start kissing each other.

Then the moment we stopped to take a breath I immediately wanted his lips back onto mine.

"That's how I should have kissed you the first time." He says lowly under his breath.

"I liked it." I smiled at him.

We stood there looking at each other for a brief moment when he says something I did not see coming or expect to ever hear him say to me.

"Cydni, I can't explain how or even why you make me feel the way I do. And I know the risks that would be involved but, I truly want to be with you. And not just as friends." He finishes telling me.

Is he being serious right now?! Is he suggesting what I think he is? There is of course the part of me who wants to accept his offer but at the same time, the dangers that would all be involved in it. Not to mention if or I should say more like WHEN word gets back to the councils, who knows what could happen to us both.

Then again, didn't someone once say something along the lines of how something worth having doesn't ever come easy?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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