CHAPTER 44: What Makes Me Happy

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Throughout the entire plane and car ride towards the place we would be staying at, Cydni slept some of the way but was awake most of the time, sharing an awkward silence amongst us all.

Cydni had clung to me the entire time and once we arrived, I carried her upstairs towatds the bedroom and we all decided we woyld go to sleep since it was late anyways and just wait until morning to go over things.

I had woken up before the others did and because I was not sure in whether or not it was a good idea my wolf and I could go for a run, I decided to avoid the possible argument from my uncle for doing so.

Instead, I decided to make some coffee and sat outside while looking out at the woods.

I was not outside for a few moments, enjoying the peace and quiet when I heard the sliding door behind me open and close.

He took a seat next to me as he slipped some of his coffee as well and we both shared a moment of awkward silence between each other before he said something.

"How she doing?" He asks.

"How do you think?" I replied sharply while still looking out into the woods and drinking my coffee.

"Look, I understand you are upset about what all has happened so far. I especially understand you being upset with me, in particular and I don't blame you." He states.

"Well that's good you understand, now I can get to sleep at night." I replied coldly and sarcastically again.

"I'm trying." He says.

"Tell me something....Why?!" I asked as I looked at him this time.

"We never thought things would get this bad. We tried to fix things and change the way others thought or were taught to believe that hybrids were not the enemies and just because of the indifference, it did not mean they were better or worse or at all, a threat to anyone. But as you can see, we failed. I failed. Not just the council, my kind, but your parents and worst of all, you." He paused.

"Your parents I trusted me, before they died, they I trusted me to protect you. To do whatever it took to make sure you would eventually become the best Alpha that ever lived. The strongest. Most fierce. The smartest and especially one that would change the council. Make things better for all. But I have failed." He starts to choke up near the end.

Suddenly both my wolf and I begin to feel a little bad and I can tell the sincerity in my uncle's voice.

"You haven't failed." I finally say.

"Yeah." He scoffs.

"No. You haven't. I have learned so much from you. In fact, I have been trying so hard my whole life to please my father. Even though he's gone, I still seek his approval." I laughed a little at myself in how pathetic I sounded.

"It's not pathetic. I did that for most of my life also. However, in the end I realized that it didn't matter, because I was happy and strong - practically everything he wasn't. And that's all that matters. Becoming the best version of you after finding yourself and true identity, whatever it is, and you're happy, that's all that matters." He smiles at me.

I nodded and smiled at him.

"I guess you're right." I tell him.

"Of course I am." He winked and we both shared a laugh as we drank more of our coffee while sitting there, talking some more.

There have been a small handful of times in my life that I can remember ever seeing my uncle show any type of emotion of vulnerability such as he is right now and shedding a tear. I can not lie, it pains me to see him react that way.

There is something I have been thinking about so many things and what to do in case all of this goes south quickly in the end.

Once we headed inside, the Dean, along with the Moon Goddess were there as well as all my guys and both Cydni and Reece, sitting in the living room.

I could tell they needed to talk to us by the looks upon their faces. So once my uncle and I all sat down they started going over some things, including the consequences and what the worst things that could be done to each of us, if we were to get caught.

We all 'agreed' in the fact we understood the risks and consequences but still planned to follow through with everything. 

Then the next thing I found myself blurting out something I have been thinking about and have not discussed with anybody before and that I do hope everyone eventually understands.

"I want to state for the record, here and now, that if things go bad, I will take full responsibility..." I tell eveybody and noticed out the corner of my eye, Cydni looked at me bewildered as I looked at her. "For everyone."

"Remington..." My uncle tried to intervene until I stopped him as everybody else remained in silence and pure shock while continuing to stare at me surprised.

"No! As Alpha of the best pack along with being a great mate, I take full responsibility." I replied with my head held high and ignored Damon along with a few others who tried to mindlink me all at the same time. "I can not live with myself if others have to be punished for doing something of my doing." I tell them.

"Rem, this is no time to try and be a hero. These are SERIOUS accusations. Do you have any idea on what...." My uncle paused for a moment as he fought back tears before continuing. "On what they could do to you?! Especially after finding out what you are? What your parents and I tried very hard to keep hidden for years?" My uncle asked while struggling towards the end.

"Yes. I do know what could happen, but I don't care. All that matters to me is making sure the right thing is done in the end." I tell him.

"But there are other ways." He pleads.

"Uncle, you always told me that being brave and a great Alpha, was doing the things that others feared and standing up for what was right. Not to mention the fact that what matters more than the approval of somebody else was what truly makes me happy at the end of the day and this is it. Just knowing the ones I care for the most are safe." I tell him.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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