CHAPTER 17: Stranger Danger

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Honestly, I have had ENOUGH of his charades and emotional roller coaster.

"I don't know what the hell you are talking about!" He replies.

"Really?! Alright. You want to play that game then fine, go ahead. But I am NOT going to." I angrily state before grabbing my bookbag then get up and start walking out.

I know for damn sure that he is jealous and yet doesn't want to admit it!

The next thing I know, after taking just a few steps outside of the library, a strong grip grabs my arm and turns me around.

"Hold up! You want to talk about jealousy? What about you, huh?! Don't pretend you didn't feel hurt or even jealous that night when you saw the girl on my lap or me kissing another girl the other day. I saw the look on your face both times. Not to mention the fact that YOU were the one who suggested we be just friends." He snaps back at me.

He was right. I did agree to us being friends. Though on the other hand, I was just trying to confirm what he had originally suggested. So he can't put the full blame on me coming up with that idea. 

"Just because I was agreeing to what YOU had originally suggested, dumbass! My god, you are so fucking back and forth it is exhausting. I swear that you wolves have a SERIOUS issue with switching too frequently from hot and cold. Or maybe that is the hybrid part in you!" I was immediately regretful at saying the last part and didn't mean for it to come out that way.

Thank God nobody was around to hear it neither. 

The look on his face right now said it all and how angry he was.

Yeah, this would be it. This would be the moment I died for sure. I suddenly began getting flashbacks of my parents the night they.... Then suddenly I hear him say something back right before I was getting ready to apologize.

"Well you aren't any different than another good-for-nothing-witch who thinks they are better than everyone and who are worthless and weak. I bet your parents are so proud of their little princess." He fires back.

I guess I deserved that. However, at the moment, all I could feel was my heart sinking to the bottom of my stomach and pain. Then rapidly there was a burst of anger that immediately led me to slapping him hard across the face.

The moment I realized what I had just done and while he was in the state of shock, I next turned around and quickly went towards my dorm where I spent the rest of the day and night crying until there were no more tears left in me and going over what I had just done.

The next couple of days, I had thought about what he said and I wanted to apologize and finally chose today, to gather up enough courage to attempt it.

I stopped him in the hallway while he was talking with some of his friends and asked to speak to him alone for a minute. However he just glared and shook his head at me saying 'there was nothing to talk about' while being sure to mutter under his breath something while walking away from me

"And you better not try and put a 'forgiving' spell on me or you'll regret it."

Maybe I deserved that too. Though once again, it still hurt.

Throughout the next two weeks, every time I would walk to my dorm from the library or went grocery shopping late at night, I would hear loud music coming from his dorm as he seemed to be throwing many parties.

Then tonight, while walking into my dorm room, I immediately could tell something was awry. I felt uneasy and knew something was wrong. The atmosphere was really bad.

I knew it wasn't Morgan or anyone else.  So I started turning around to quickly run out the door and seek help but someone swooped in front of me, blocking my way out.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Someone who has been waiting to meet you for a very long time." The strange tall man wearing all black with a low deep voice that sounded evil, replied.

"What do you want?" I asked while trying to hurry and think of a spell to subdue this man before he did anything to me.

However, within a split second, he swiftly was in front of me then grabbed my throat causing me to feel a burning sensation and what also felt like a tight rope being wrapped around my neck at the same time.

Suddenly, I began thinking, how I had just studied about this type of magic recently and started identifying it as something a sorcerer could do to prevent you from making a sound, while at the same time, cutting off some of your air supply as you feel like your flesh is on fire.

"You can not hide from who you are. And I think that I am the very one who can help you....." He was quickly cut off as soon as an abrupt loud knock was at the door.

The knocks couldn't come at a better time as I began feeling myself getting ready to blackout.

The man looked back towards the door then back at me with a sinister grin upon his face and next thing I knew, he was gone after disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.

I quickly held my throat while coughing and trying hard to breathe when I heard the voice on the other end of the was Leo.

"Cydni? Are you in there?" He asked sounding panicked while continuing to knock.

I struggle a bit to get there to let him inside and when I finally do, the moment I unlock it and start to barely open it up, he quickly comes in.

"Oh my God, what has happened?" He asks as he helps me towards the couch.

I try and see if I can talk, but I can't. Although the moment he looks at my neck, he looks horrified. He identifies it as well.

"Oh shit! How did one of those things get in here?" He asks me.

Judging by the horrific look upon his face, I needed a mirror.

He next takes out his phone and faces it towards me to show the marking on my neck. It is a burn mark that has a certain imprint different than a regular burn or rope mark. 

This is a dark ring around my neck with no fingerprints that normally would be there if it were a human who grabbed my throat to choke me.

I knew right away that the stranger belonged to the dark arts and who loathes witches. They have been around for centuries and plan to enslave or extinguish witches for good, along with sorcery and wizards. Despite possessing the majority of the many abilities you get from being all of those.

On one hand, you can consider them as to being like shapeshifters and when they turn into whatever, they automatically have the same abilities as that person or creature even, they decide to shift into.

I can't help but wonder though, why did he say he has waited a very long time to meet me?

"Okay, don't worry. We will go to the lady who owns the shop where we get our supplies from. She will know what to do." He reassures me.

I feel very happy to know he will help me. It's nice to have a friend around.

Next chapter will be posted literally a second after this one as a that k you for waiting and being so patient! Love you all! :);)

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