CHAPTER 35: An Adjustment

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After Reece and I had finished up practicing the spell we had planned to do for our project and we're done cleaning up, Reece was using the restroom real fast before leaving and I suddenly began to hear faint cries and screams, like I had the other day.

I tried to close my eyes and shake my head in hopes that that would have helped make them go away but then I started to feel a burning sensation around my neck, almost the same as I did that one night before Leo had helped save me.

Next thing I knew, I struggled a little bit to make my way towards the couch to where I immediately collapsed and sat down on there then leaned back while my eyes glazed over again as they had in class, I had found out.

Once again I right away found myself walking down the same disgusting hallway that looked to be right out of a horror movie.

The screams however were louder than before and the crying of whomever it was was even more painful than the last.

This time, no matter what, I was going to see who this was once and for all. There just had to be a reason as to why I am here once again.

I began to remember the disturbing and horrific low growl that had reminded me of a lion and knew that whatever I was soon going to face, more than likely was something evil. Yet I continued.

In a way I felt as if I no longer could tell my feet to run the other way. They kept me going forward until I reached the familiar cell.

However, this was different than the one before. This was like a regular cell made out of cast iron bars. Just like you would see from a jailhouse.

Inside was a filthy girl with messy hair and had torn clothing. She was thin and seemed fragile as well as cold as I noticed she was shivering in the dark corner. She looked to be around my age.

I hesitated at first to say anything but then suddenly found myself uttering a word and not being able to stop myself for some odd reason.

"H-hello." I quietly spoke to the girl. Afraid that whomever has her inside of her can hear if I spoke louder.

The girl stopped sniffling and crying. Then she slowly began to turn her head towards me and I at first thought to myself this was exactly like a scene from a horror movie and when she showed me her face it was going to be a monster or she had no facial features or something.

Yet, that was not what happened at all. Though I couldn't make it out as to who it was exactly at first, I instantly knew who it was the minute she spoke.

"Cydni?!" Her dried and raspy voice trembled.

"Morgan? It's been you?" I asked in shock.

Wait, is this some kind of a trick?! Oh my god, at any moment I just knew I would see my aunt or somebody was going to come out and capture me. This has to be a trap of some sort.

"Y-you have to leave." She started to stutter.

"What? Why are you in here? Who has done this to you?" I asked.

"You have t-to go. It isn't safe for you. Please, just leave. Before it's too late." She says.

Out of all the years I have known her I have never seen her like this and could start to see even some dried up blood and burn marks around her as well as bruises and some cuts. I even began noticing shackles around both her wrists and one around one of her ankles that was chained to the wall also.

I do not know what possessed me to do the next thing I did but I did it.

"I'm going to get you out of here. Alright?" I told her.

I began to hear next the faint voice of Reece and knew exactly what that meant. That is how I was awoken before that one day and I did not want to leave Morgan.

"Go." She cried with her voice sounding weaker with every word she had spoken.

"Where are you. Tell me. I will come for you." I asked her.

I am not entirely sure what made me look over at the wall down the hallway several feet down but I noticed a half torn, rusted and dirty old sign that had some name on it. I had just gotten a glimpse of it right before I felt myself come to and was now having a worried Reece look at me.

"Oh my God that was scary. Are you alright?" She asked in a panic.

"Yeah. I think so. Reece, there isn't much time but you need to find where Damon and Remington are right now. Have them meet me at a place called 'Savannah's Ward,' immediately." I tell her.

"What? Where the hell is that at?!" She asked.

"I don't know yet but maybe they know. All I know is that it has to be near by. Somewhere deep in the woods. I don't know how I know that but I just do." I explain.

"Wait, why don't you just wait for them?" She asks.

"Because I don't know how long my cousin has. She is being held somewhere. Every second counts." I explain real quick.

"Yes but...." Reece begins to try and stop me.

"Please, just do as I tell you!" I plead.

"Alright. But be careful." She says.

"I will. I promise." I tell her.

She nods her head before quickly leaving to grab Remington and Damon.

I quickly begin to do a spell I had been taught when I was little and grabbed a clear crystal ball I have that belonged to my great great grandmother who was able to use it to see things and sometimes tell people's fortunes when she had travelled with several gypsies. I then began while looking into the ball, reciting out loud the quick spell:

"Show me the place that I seek
Into the woods I go, so deep."

It took only seconds after saying it until I could see the path and as soon as I placed it back into my bag I carry with me everywhere, I quickly hailed down a cab then had them drive me fast towards the edge of the woods I felt myself being spiritually led towards.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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