CHAPTER 29: Something is....different...?

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Remington and I both were feeling like things were off and although we were not, by all means, trying to question the Head Mistress of the Academy's secretary on her boss's 'whereabouts' or nothing but something didn't add up to us both.

However, we have no other choice but to wait for her to return.

In the meantime, we need to focus on our classes because finals will be here real soon and there are already a few courses that have given us assignments that are not due until a month before the end of the year but will be the majority of our grades.

In one of my courses, I had to have a partner. Luckily though, I was randomly chosen by the professor to pair up with the first girl to have greeted and welcomed me the first time I was transferred to these advanced courses.

This girl is of course a couple years older than me but we have a few things in common. One of those things is that she practices the white magic and happens to be a fairy.

Fairies, for as long as I can remember, have a few different types, including ones that are both bad and good (just as others have) and thankfully she is a good one.

The kind of fairy she is, has amazing abilities. One of them is that she can either choose to be a human size fairy or shrink into a tiny one, like Tinkerbell's size. She also can turn translucent if she wants to and knows how to speak many different languages.

The majority of fairies tend to be outgoing and be running more in the 'popular' crowd but not her. I have noticed that she keeps to herself mostly and I rarely have seen her walking around campus. So I can tell she is not one for going out and partying or socializing neither. She is like me in many ways - not many friends and has low self esteem. I like that she is different.

Well, even though I have been getting better at my confidence and such and still is a work in progress, I can relate to her, I feel.

We have talked only a couple of times and have not really gotten to know one another too well. So this should be a good, interesting and fun project.

"I am really glad that it's you I'm paired up with." She says the moment I sit in the seat next to her.

"I'm glad too." I replied with a smile. "Reece, right?" I asked.

She looked at me with a surprised look upon her face along with a smile and then a nod.

"Not many care to remember my name." She tells me.

My heart broke to hear her say that. The tone in her voice also confirmed at the same time that she has not been treated in the best way or has had many friends in her life (if ever any).

We agreed to have her come over to Remington's and my place tonight (still getting used to saying that it is 'our' place).

After agreeing on a time and class being dismissed, while I was heading towards my next class, I passed by the bitch posse, aka the covenant that my cousin, Morgan had joined the first day we arrived here at the Academy.

Ever since everyone had returned from their winter break, I noticed almost immediately that I haven't seen my cousin around anywhere.

Like right now, she is nowhere to be found walking with them in their group. Not that I should care really, it has been nice and quiet in a way and she is really the last thing I would need to deal with on top of everything else.

So I ignored the unsettling feeling I got in my stomach and once I sat down at my desk in my next class, I almost immediately felt my head begin to hurt in the back before stiffening up quickly until I couldn't move and went from looking forward at the front of the class to seeing I was no longer in the room.

I at first began to think that maybe I had teleported someplace but then quickly dismissed that ridiculous thought since I know for a fact I don't have that ability.

However, this was odd and very strange, to say the least, just knowing that I was within seconds, in an entirely different place and realized suddenly as well that wherever this place was, I did not like it and the rancid smell that was invading my nostrils was causing me to feel on the verge of throwing up.

I quickly covered my mouth and nose to prevent from inhaling the revolting stench and began to cautiously walk down the dimmed lit creepy hallway thats walls were covered in different unrecognizable liquids among other things.

I soon began hearing a scream. It was a female's scream. It was loud and coming just a few feet down from me.

I quickly began to look around and make sure that nobody was coming as I proceeded to walk closer towards the screaming unt I reached a wooden door with cast iron bars covering a small hole where you could see what was on the other side of it.

While standing there still unsure if whether or not I should check and see if whomever I heard was alright or not, I instantly noticed a pair of silver glowing eyes in the darkness come out of nowhere to the door, looking through the hole at me and the next sound I heard was no scream at all.

Chills went up and down my spine the moment I heard the most terrifying sound I have ever heard in my life before.

It sounded like a lion's low growl and the next thing I heard seconds after that was the voice now talking fast and loud whispers.

I was not entirely sure what they were saying. Was it a spell or what exactly was it?!

The next thing I hear is a voice in the distance become clearer and closer before I found myself startled the moment I realized my professor had awoken me. From what, I have no clue but whatever that was, I felt was a warning of some kind. Maybe something else but, I need to find out what exactly it was....and find out quick.

Next two chapters will be posted later today! 😁💜🤗

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