CHAPTER 4: Caught!

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Last night's party was fun but I really need to be careful and not get too wild and crazy or caught up in that kind of stuff. At least, not too much.

I especially need to be more cautious about getting into fights with others, but last night, I just felt I had to. Mainly because I don't care too much for bullies.

There are many reasons as to why I have a little bit more advantages than others do, other than having been here at this academy before. The other reason is the fact that since I am a hybrid and have sorcery in my blood as well, I have more knowledge than most.

The shittiest part about it all is that I have been sworn to secrecy since I was little. Nobody is to ever know or find out I am a hybrid. Hybrids - in particularly, my kind, are banned. Most of them have either been killed or were imprisoned and locked away in confinement until they died. Therefore, I am the last one.

The first hybrid of both wolf and sorcerer was two hundred years ago. Hybrids of all kinds of mixes such as witches and vampires and so forth had already been amongst us for centuries. However, when the day came when a wolf and sorcerer were born, it changed everything.

Soon after, there were a couple hundred hybrids of my kind - including both of my parents. Though things quickly took a turn for the worst as a handful of hybrids took advantage of their abilities and used them for doing horrific things. They lost control. They quickly became infatuated with instilling fear and inflicting pain onto others.

They wanted to eventually destroy all councils and enslave humans. To rule everybody and were willing to stop at nothing to make sure they succeeded.

Soon after all of that madness began, my father (mostly due to the fact he was head councilman, powerful and well respected in the Wolf Council) tried all he could to keep me from ever practicing anything that has to do with sorcery.

My mother on the other hand taught me what she could in privacy and made sure I practiced as much as I could to get better at some of the things she taught me.

Then during the party of my tenth birthday, I was sitting down at a table with all my friends and family members (including the Wolf council) and was getting ready to open presents and have some cake and ice cream when out of nowhere, we were suddenly ambushed by at least a hundred wolves and werewolves.

Quickly I felt like this was my chance to prove to my parents I would be a great Alpha like my father and wanted to try and protect everybody, but before I even got the chance to begin shifting, I felt two arms swoop me up and start running into the house fast. It was my Uncle Barron.

I kept kicking and screaming at him, telling me that he needed to put me down but he kept repeating to me several times that he had made a promise to my parents.

Now, at the time, I had not known what he meant and wasn't even explained to what he meant by that until a few days later.

That day was one of the worst days of my life and is the reason as to why I never like celebrating my birthday. It would just remind me of the gruesome massacre that happened, leaving many injured and dead - including my parents.

Throughout the years I have yet to talk about it to anybody what happened that day (even though everybody knows about it already) and have trouble sleeping enough as it is because I can not stop getting flashes of everything, including the moment I saw both my parents, half dismembered on the ground.

The ones who attacked them WERE apprehended immediately afterwards amd were killed then and there.

My Uncle right away became my legal guardian until I was eighteen and also took my father's place in the council to hold for me, until I was ready.

I understand the reasons behind his harsh behavior towards me and honestly am used to it from how my father was when I was younger. Still, I feel at times as though he takes it a bit over the top.

I quickly get mind linked by the guys, asking if I wanted to hang out and grab some drinks with them. I agreed and then met up with them at a club nearby where a lot of wolves like going to along with everybody else and that I haven't been at since I last attended the academy.

The moment we walked up towards the club, the bouncer immediately recognized me and he let my friends and I all inside.

From then on, throughout the rest of the time we were there people were recognizing me from left to right and the girls couldn't get enough.

Then after a few hours pass, some stay behind while the rest have gone off to hook up with who they met as the rest of us started walking towards our rooms.

We had ended up stopping near a fairly lit park to just relax for a moment and while standing around talking and some lighting up a cigarette, a few sorcerer's had walked up to us and hung out as well.

Then one of them starting showing off what all they could do and it is moments like these when I feel I hate the fact I can't show my least that is what my 'sober' self would say. On the other hand, I do have the half-drunken part of me who has to show them up.

After they get done showing their stuff, I am challenged by one of the sorcerer's after he teases about how 'limited' wolves of all kinds are. THAT was when I took the opportunity to show them what I could.

So I showed them something small and create a fireball of light in the palm of my hand and then make it spread so that my entire hand was now inflamed in a greenish-blue color.

Everybody was mesmerized and before I got the chance to show them something even cooler, I sensed somebody was watching and swiftly turned to see who it was.

Next chapter will be posted in a few minutes! :)

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