CHAPTER 18: To Feel Safe Again

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Not long after I realized what an asshole I was really being towards Cydni and blowing her off the other day like I had, I decided to swallow my pride and try to make amends. After all, she was right. I was jealous and I hate not being able to be around her.

I have even decided that after seeing her in the past almost week, hanging out with Leo more, that I will not get involved or anything and just be a good friend.

I could tell that through the past couple of days, she has been avoiding eye contact with me and has seemed to be in a hurry in taking off as soon as she leaves her last class.

Today was going to be different because I decided to skip out on one of my classes and wait for her outside of hers to wait.

The moment I heard that annoying bell ring to dismiss the class, I waited a brief moment before.she walked out and right away I noticed she was wearing a scarf.

I didn't think much of it and I figured she must be sick. To which surprised me on one hand, considering the fact she can cure a common cold. However, even though the weather has gotten a little bit cooler lately, things still aren't bad enough to put on anything more than a light hoodie or something along those lines.

Then by the time I snapped to, I saw that she was gone. That was when I chose to wait a little while later when I knew she would be at the library.

When I walked in and found her sitting at the table, I noticed she wasn't alone. Sitting across from her was Leo.

While making my way towards them, I took in a deep breath and let it out to make sure I remained calm as I got closer to them until I was eventually standing beside her.

"What's up?" Leo nodded at me.

"Hey." I nodded in reply.

Cydni didn't turn to look at me. She didn't greet me with that beautiful smile I have missed.

"Well, I have to get going. I have a date tonight so, I will talk with you later." Leo says and stands up, grabs his things before giving her a hug goodbye and then leaving.

He has a date? So they aren't dating?

Next I go to sit across from her as she continues to not look up and acknowledge me as she continued reading while taking notes as well.

We share a moment of silence until I finally decide to say something.

"Cydni, I know you are upset with me and you have every right to be. I was - I mean, I've been acting like an asshole towards you and I regret saying what I did to you that day and we both said things I know you regretted also. Because I know you were trying to probably apologize that one day and I just blew you off instead. And I'm sorry. I want us to be friends again because I hate not hearing your voice and want to hang out with you because I like the way I feel when I am around you. And true, I was jealous of you and Leo because I have come to really like you and...." I rambled on for a little while before I stopped myself and noticed she still wasn't looking at me but at the book, although she did stop writing.

"Please say something." I asked. Even though she seems sick, I was thinking she could at least say something. However, she wasn't and was beginning to think that maybe she was truly wanting to ignore me.

Then I see her writing something down before pushing the notebook with writing on it towards me where I read about what has happened to her and how she is resting her throat by not being able to speak now for the past few days and was told by the lady that runs the store she gets her supplies from told her she would have her voice back by supposedly tomorrow.

I felt hurt for her and angry at both myself and the asshole that thought he could hurt her like that.

Then as I look at her scarf around her neck, I cautiously reach out and move it aside and notice the mark. To which now looks nearly gone but I am sure was darker than that, since it's been a few days now and I began to feel guilty.

"I'm sorry." I began to tell her.

She finally looked at me and into my eyes when she eventually accepted my apology.

Time passed so quickly as we both had apologized for what we said to each other until we eventually agreed to start all over again. 

We sat there for another moment until I  suggested her and I hang out tonight - her choice, of course.

She thought for a moment before mentioning to grab some take out then watch Netflix. 

We both get up as she grabs her things and we start heading back to my dorm where we order some food and spend the rest of the day hanging out, playing some games and watching some movies.

Within the third movie, I looked over at her beside me on the couch, with her head on top of her hands that were resting on the arm of the couch. I next got up as quietly as I could and picked her up before carrying her over towards my bedroom and laid her onto my bed, covering her up before making my way back out to clean up the mess before soon enough falling asleep on the couch.

There was a lot going through my head after everything that happened today and what her and I both talked about.

I had learned a few things about her as well and one of them was that she doesn't like talking too much about herself or her life and already has me more intrigued than I originally was with her.

Then a crazy thought emerged out of nowhere inside of my head before closing my eyes.  I started wondering what if we did try to become more than just friends (eventually - not rushing things) and maybe, seeing how it goes of course? Maybe convincing the Moon Goddess to let her become my mate even. Despite the laws against Hybrids. Or maybe her and I could run away with each other. I don't know.

On the other hand however, I think I may be getting too far ahead of myself right now. No matter what though, I want her to be safe. To feel safe.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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