CHAPTER 26: A Threat?!?

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I wanted to speak with my uncle soon once I had some time to and ask him about her dream to hopefully get some clarity for her because although she told me that she wasn't going to think about the dream anymore and try to analyze it again, I could tell it was bothering her somewhat still.

In the meantime, however, I figured we would play outside in the snow and have us some fun since she never had any memories like these before when she was little.

The moment she told me she had never built a snowman or had a snowball fight or even made snow angels before, I knew we had so much well needed fun to do.

It was all really nice for me also because I started remembering about the fun times I had with my parents when I was little and played in the snow.

Overall things were looking great for us and we were having a great time together. Little does she know I have a gift for her for when she wakes up tomorrow morning and I hope that she likes it too.

After being out in the snow for a little while we came back inside and I noticed we were running low on some firewood. So I offered to go out and grab some.

I walked out towards the shed that held pre-chopped wood and while making my way out, I suddenly felt like I was being watched.

I immediately started looking around but couldn't see anyone.

Then the moment I reached out for the handle to open the shed up, I heard a couple of branches break.

I swiftly turned to look off into the distance in the woods and right away saw Calian - the native American whose name also stands for 'Warrior of Life.' It's been years since I have seen him.

He begins walking up towards me and I begin noticing how much he has aged.

"Hey man." I greet him with a smile and a hug.

"Hello." He replies and I notice right away by the look upon his face and the tone of his voice just now that he has something serious to tell me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I don't have much time. So please just listen and take my warning seriously." He begins.

"Okay.....?" I replied while feeling a little bit uneasy.

"There are certain people who are on their way here, as we speak, who are after Cydni." He states.

"Who?!" I asked.

"They...." He starts to explain but stops and winces in pain while holding both sides of his head, seconds before he falls down onto his knees and yells in agony.

"What is happening?!" I quickly ask as I try and help him up.

Next while looking up at me, his eyes begin bleeding along with his nose and then ears.

"Go! You and Cydni escape through the hidden door in the floor!" He manages to hell out.

Then suddenly he leans back and looks up at the sky while I see black smokey slime type stuff come out of his mouth before falling flat onto his face and dying.

There was no hesitation as I knew Cydni and I had to leave through the secret door panel on the floor that is located in the kitchen and escape through that tunnel.

Although I am not exactly sure in what is going on, I thought I would try and contact  my uncle soon to ask him what is going on.

Once I was inside, Cydni looked at me terrified as she was being restrained by somebody I did not recognize.

"Nice enough for you to join us finally." The stranger said.

There were several guys walking out from every angle of the place, surrounding us.

"You killed Calian." I muttered.

"He got in our way." The man grinned grimly.

"Who the hell are you?!" I commanded.

"I am someone who has travelled a very long way and has waited an extremely long time to meet you both." The man states.

"I asked you a question!" I replied.

He looked at me for a moment before finally answering me.

"The name is Malick. All you need to know about me is that I am someone you should never challenge. Do as I say and you both may get the answers you want." He tells us.

I look at Cydni and see now that her expression has changed and she seems to give me a look that made both my wolf and I right away understand what she was saying.

She was feeling the same way I was and knew that something terrible was going to happen. So I nodded and smirked before quickly shifting into my werewolf and the next thing I knew, I was attacking the others who were surrounding us.

There were moments I was using some of the sorcery inside of me and soon realized these were sorcerer's as well, using their magic upon me and Cydni.

I swear, this fucker and his guys are not leaving here in one piece. And by the end of this, I WILL force Malick to tell me why he was here.

These people have no idea who the hell they are fucking with.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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