CHAPTER 39: Out-of-Nowhere

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Although it has been a few weeks now since I had spoken to Remington and despite what I said to him, I have found it hard to not think about him.

It took me up until last week to realize that maybe I did not hear him out and maybe even overreacted a bit.

I just felt so hurt. I felt betrayed and was terrified to even believe that he would do something like that and then try to explain his way out of getting yelled at by me but, I couldn't help feeling what I did.

I have also taken notice that he has tried everything to avoid me even in the hallways of class because I always notice him walking in the complete opposite way of me and I have to admit that it hurts. Even though I of course am the reason he has chosen to be that way.

Leo has tried telling me, along with Reece and Morgan also that guys will do that and Leo especially has told me how guys work and that it is possible that Remington is trying to 'avoid' me to give me some space.

Today, I had decided I would try and talk with him and even apologize for the way I reacted and have been acting by ignoring him for this long and maybe even that I miss him.

Not to mention the fact that I had just found out a couple days ago that Reece and Damon worked things out and got back together, it made me think about Remington even more.

So today, I wanted to stop by a couple places before we went to class and both Morgan and Reece offered to walk with me. 

So we took off to head to our first stop by the supplies shop, but it turned out it was not opened. In which I thought was odd because there was not even a sign that showed it was closed or as to why.

Next I had us all make a quick stop by the library to speak with the librarian, but she was nowhere to be found and the library too was locked.

I suddenly began to get a type of unsettling feeling in my stomach and the need to hold tightly my messenger bag with the book and a few other things I always had on me for emergencies. Something tells me I may need them soon.

"What the hell is going on?" Morgan asks.

"It looks like everything is closed down. Even the coffee shop is closed." Reece remarks.

Then as soon as we turned the corner to head towards the Academy, I noticed out the corner of my eye was both Reece and Morgan stop and look straight ahead and immediately looked shocked.  The moment I look straight ahead too, I also am surprised and shocked to see what I see.

Many of the students were standing around looking at us outside the Academy's front entrance in front of the steps. Everybody looked as though they were waiting for us or something.

soon after, we saw a few students part ways and next walked out Sonya, her minions as well as my aunt?

"There you are." My aunt greets me with her infamous evil grin and menacing tone of voice. "Nice to see you looking so....well." She struggled to state the last part through gritted teeth.

I quickly felt myself being forced to close my eyes and images of a few people that were tied up as they began burning, flashed quickly before my eyes. I could hear their screams as well as smell their flesh as it melted from the flames. I knew who they were. They were both the librarian and the shop owner.  Then I begin to notice in the dark corner of wherever this took place at was the same dark hooded figure that got me that one night. It growled the same way I heard when I saw Morgan in a vision before saving her, then heard an evil laugh that sounded a lot like my aunt's. I am next quickly snapped out of the vision from the sound of my aunt's voice calling my name and open my eyes.

"You..." I struggled to say. "You killed them."

"Who? Oh your little friends? The shop keeper lady and that old-ragged-witch librarian?" She remarked.

"You're an evil person. And I see you. I see the REAL you and I know it was you who tried to kill me that night. It's you who tried to lure me into saving Morgan so you could kill me and it is YOU who growls and whispered such evil in my visions." I found myself stating while not realizing at the same time I was slowly taking steps towards her.

My aunt begins to laugh in her typical sinister way.

"I would love to take credit for that first one as well as the last one too, but they were not me. They were all part of something bigger and someone whom you will soon meet. And as for trying to kill you, trust me, if I wanted to I would have already succeeded. But your fate is not meant for such a luxury." She states.

"And who is responsible then for such evil, if not you?" I asked.

"You will find out soon enough and learn to obey." She grinned with such malice.

"Never! I would never bow down or give in to evil and darkness. For I am Cydni Hollingsworth. The daughter of Mildred and Edward Hollingsworth. The very ones you have envied your whole life and who probably had taken part in their deaths too!" I exclaimed.

I heard gasps from everyone looking at me surprised - just as I thought they would once they all heard in who I was. However, at this moment I don't care if they know now or not. None of that matter any more.

"And what makes you think I was part of it? In fact, if you want to know who TRULY was behind the murdering of both your parents, you should be asking your boyfriend, Remington." She says.

"We both know you are trying to cover up and lie about...." I started to state but then found myself being cut off immediately after the Dean came running out from off the side of the Academy building and stood in between both my aunt and I.

"You need to leave!" The Dean firmly stated.

"Or what?" My Aunt replied. "You don't have the ability to...." She started in on the Dean until the Dean stopped her again.

"You DO watch what you say next because we both know who has what abilities. Besides, right now, you, Sonya and the rest of the covenant will be escorted by these several gentlemen that the council has requested to escort you back to the council in regards of what you all did two days ago." She tells her.

Nobody else may know what she is talking about but I do. And watching the several men dressed in their uniforms with a big patch of the council's crest representing the witche's council, sewn on the back of their hooded robes.

I suddenly began to feel uneasy and the next thing I knew, my aunt along with Sonya and the rest of the covenant started firing balls of electricity towards the men then towards the Dean before eventually Sonya looked at me and threw a ball of fire at me.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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