CHAPTER 32: Love Is In The Air...?

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Time sure does fly by when you are not paying much attention to it.

Today for example, I felt as though from the moment I had woken up until the end of the day, right now for instance, I can not remember doing much - including classes.

Tonight we were having my friends and future pack coming over alomgneith their mates.

When Cydni had mentioned to me about the idea in getting Reece and the guy she liked together, after explaining everything to me, I could not argue with her, first of all and second, I could not agree more.

I mean her and I both are fighting against all odds and risking so much and I do have to admit that she has a point in having there be another couple that are in love with each other as her and I are, who we can possibly have show to the council's that hybrids are alright.

Within almost two hours into the get together, everyone seemed to be having a good time and I was still waiting for Damon to show after finishing up with the gym and going back to his dorm to get ready to come over.

Once he finally showed, he made his way through the crowd of people and greeted everyone then when he got to me hanging out and talking with some of the guys.

He had grabbed himself a plate of food and while in the kitchen, Cydni came walking in with Reece who had stopped and looked at Damon with a terrified look.

The look upon Damon's face though said it all.

"Ehm." Cydni cleared her throat before introducing them.

"Damon, this is my friend, Reece. She's a fairy and is in one of my classes. Reece, this is Damon." Cydni stated.

"What's up?" Damon greeted Reece with a nod and then grabbed a plate and started putting some food on it.

What the hell?!? Now, judging by the look on Reece's face I could tell she was fighting back tears and seemed embarassed whilst on Cydni's face, she looked as if she was getting ready to kill him.

"I told you it was stupid!" I heard Reece tell Cydni.

"Reece! Wait!" Cydni called out to her before snapping her head back at Damon and slamming her fists hard onto the kitchen counter. "What the HELL is your problem?!" She snapped at him.

"What?" Damon asked while acting as if he wasn't just rude a second ago.

This is not like him and I knew by the way he looked at Reece that it was his mate.

Normally I wouldn't care and let him do whatever but this in particular is something where it will effect me and I know that Cydni also will not be too happy if I don't talk to him. Not to mention the fact I could see it in her eyes that she is getting ready to put a spell on him or do something.

"Babe. Why don't you go bring Reece back." I jump in front of her and try to keep her back from hurting Damon.

It took her a moment but then soon enough looked at me and gave me a warning.

"I will! But you better talk with him or when I come back and he doesn't at least apologize, I will make sure he regrets it." She tells me.

"I promise." I assure her with a smile and then lift her chin up to kiss her.

She then walks off to grab Reece while I stay behind and have Damon follow me outside.

After shutting the sliding glass door behind me that leads out to the patio, I lay right into him.

"Bro, what the fuck?!" I snapped at him.

"Relax." He says calmly before taking a bite of his hot dog.

"No! Why did you react the way you did towards that girl?! I know you know she is your mate. Why didn't you react how you are supposed to?" I asked in a somewhat demanding tone.

"Don't start." He rolled his eyes and sat down.

"As your future Alpha, I DEMAND you tell me!" I commanded more assertively this time.

He looked at me surprised and then quickly finished his last bite, wiped his hands and mouth and as soon as he finished taking a swog from his drink, he started to tell me.

"I have known that she was my mate for a couple of weeks now." He begins.

"Wait, what?!" I asked feeling confused.

He then takes in a deep breath and let's it out before continuing to explain.

"You remember how a couple of weeks ago, I was mentioning about my wolf and I smelling the scent of our mate?" He reminds me.

"Yeah..?" I replied.

"That was her." He replies.

"Bro, what the hell are you waiting for then?!" I asked.

"Come of all people should know why. I mean, both you and Cydni are with each other and even though she is not your mate, well, technically not officially, what if it turns out that neither council's approve of you both and can't convince them to be on board with hybrids and such. How could that ever work out then between her and I?!" He asks with much concern.

"I guess you have a point there. But like we've talked about before, her and I plan to convince the Moon Goddess first and then maybe she will also go with us to speak with the council's to help and try to convince them it is alright. Shit, nobody knows what's going to happen. In fact, something I have thought about lately, that I have not brought up to Cydni yet were some doubts I've been having. I mean, I know she's worth the risk and I am sacrificing a lot here but...." I continued expressing concerns of my own I had about this whole idea.

Now, of course I do not want to stop doing what we are doing and also do understand that I need to tell her my concerns but, not sure how to without coming off as if I am questioning 'us.'

Before I could say anything else though, he began to remind me of what he had wanted to tell me earlier but neither of us had an opportunity to talk earlier.

"Listen, there is something I want to tell you but you have to promise not to get mad." He starts.

What the hell is he about to tell me?!? Why would he ever even start off saying something like that?

Instead of ruining the rest of the night, I told him to tell me tomorrow because tonight was about having fun and that he needed to talk to Reece and apologize.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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