CHAPTER 36: New Information

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What in the HELL was she thinking going there by herself?!

Once we had eventually found the place, it looked as though it has been abandoned for many years.

Building was one story, in which I found to be odd since it was not something you would expect out of a place that was a 'ward' for something. That something I am assuming was that this was a type of psych ward except it was smaller. Either way it gives me bad vibes.

The trees surrounding this area seems to cover it with darkness and barely allow any type of light in from the sun. The grass was dead yet the weeds and many vines outlined the building, climbing up against the walls and some even making their way into a few windows. Some windows had either broken glass or there was no longer anything there but a big hole and the front entrance door to the place was halfway off it's henges and opened. The ironed railings to get up the old cracked cemented steps towards the front entrance were already half rooted out their holes within the cement already.

In fact, this entire place looked as though it would fall apart with every step we took but I did not care nor did Damon and Reece. We all just knew we needed to help Cydni.

The trick now though was going to be in finding her without disturbing whatever or whomever was holding her cousin captive here.

Honestly, my first thought while we were on our way here was that maybe this was a trap and Sonya along with her covenant and Cydni's cousin of course we're playing some cruel practical joke on Cydni to trick her and try to lure her here so they could hurt her but then I realized that maybe this also could have possibly been something they had done as a type of 'hazing' kind of bullshit that humans will usually do when someone is trying to join their version of a fraternity and or sorority. Except ours would be worse than the human version (at least in their eyes). Yet then I soon told myself that she would not risk getting banned and kicked out of school for that since hazing is against the law now.

The moment we continued walking closer towards the building, I no longer could think about anything else so that all of my senses could be on high alert and we could soon find Cydni.

This is where I wish her and I were mates and that I had marked her because then I would pick up on her scent more. All I smell right now is disgusting urine and feces along with rotted flesh and noticed dead rats and birds in the corners spread out all over the outside.

Damn my high senses! I haven't even stepped inside or am close enough to the building to where a human could smell anything but I can.

My stomach can take a lot of things but this was overbearing. This was too damn much for my wolf's stomach and mine to take.

Then we luckily started seeing Cydni walking out and helping a tired, weak and dirty shaking Morgan down the steps while holding her.

We all quickly ran to their sides and I immediately helped Cydni.

"I'm okay." She tries to reassure me.

I held her tightly while fighting back tears of happiness and relief that she was alright.

"Why didn't you wait for me?!" I asked her.

"I couldn't." She explains. "Please, we have to get her back to our place. She needs to rest and heal." She pleads to me.

Although I don't like her cousin and what all she had done to Cydni her whole life as well as becoming part of Sonya's covenant, at the same time, I would do anything for Cydni and if she feels she turst her and wants to help her, then I can not deny that.

"Alright. Well, I can carry her over my shoulder if you want." I offered.

"No. It's alright. Besides, my ribs are broken. It'll hurt. I-I'd rather walk." Morgan says.

"You can't walk. You're too weak." Cydni reminds her.

Next, before there was anymore protesting and or wasting time debating and going back and forth about having Morgan walk or not, I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder before we all began making our way back as fast as we could towards the dorm.

The moment we arrived, luckily not many people were around and the ones who were that noticed us I tried to lie and tell them that she was drunk.

Once inside, Cydni immediately started to run a nice hot shower for Morgan and helped her get cleaned up before they came walking out afterwards into the living room area and sat on the couch while we all sat around and ordered a lot of food before she began telling us what happened.

The moment she began to explain things I could not at first believe her but then the more she talked, I don't know if it was so much of what she said as much as how she was telling us everything that made me believe what she told us was indeed the truth.

"In the beginning, after we arrived I did join the covenant. Or at least that is what I had thought I wanted. But then after a while I noticed what Sonya and her group's intentions were and I for some reason did not want that. So I tried to leave before the last step in becoming officially part of their covenant and was punished. That was why I was out in that place. Then after being hurt and tortured, I had called upon my mom to help me. But then that is when I found out." Morgan stopped herself and wiped away some tears.

"Found what out?" Cydni asked her.

"That my own mother used me for my entire life and had groomed me to try and get to you, Cydni. The moment she knew you had the ability to both see and hear things that are happening in the present, the future or even things that occurred in the past. She had right away used that to try and trap you. I tried to block her from tapping into your ability but, I was not strong enough. And I'm so sorry Cydni. For everything. For all these years being such a fucking bitch to you and hating you out of jealousy. But please, you have to trust me in that my mother, I had found out that she was the creator of the covenant that Sonya claims to be in charge of. They are plotting with others to kill you." Morgan had finished while sobbing in Cydni's chest as she tightly hugged Cydni and Cydni hugged her back.

It took a moment at first for Cydni to realize that Morgan was being genuine and began to hug her back before looking at me, Damon and Reece with a surprised look upon her face.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days but here is another chapter. Love you guys and thanks again for the patience. :);)

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