BONUS CHAPTER: The Dark Shadow

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"Have you done all that I asked in preparation?!"

"Not yet, Master. But soon, all will be done and you shall have her."

"Are there any problems?" I asked knowing damn well there must have been.

"Of course not."

"If that were true, I would not sense such hesitation in your voice the way I do now." I point out.

"Do not lie to me!" I snapped with much agitation. "We both know you have some doubts about my demands."

"Well, there have been a few issues that have arose but, nothing I can not take care of myself."

"Again, if that were to be the truth, you would not be here. Now tell me, what is it you plan to do about the problem?!"

"Again Sir, there is no..."

I must put a stop to these lies. I have no tolerance for such behavior and they know better.

"Then why is she surrounded by a hybrid, a werewolf, a fairy and that disgusting cousin of hers?! I consider THAT to be a problem. They will become issues in which we will eventually need to address sooner or later and I for one will not have the strength needed to take care of them myself, hence is why I have told you to take care of it. Not to remind you the kind of attention that will be, if not has already been brought to them by the council."

"I understand, Master. And I will take care of them all. Just as we did with her parents. There will be no mistake."

"Good. I would hate to regret ever letting you become part of this." I reminded.

"No, Master. You will not regret intrusting me with such tasks. I aim to please you, as always." They say with such desperation in their voice.

"Despite there possibly being some truth to what you just told me, I still can not help but feel a little less worried at the same time because there isn't much time left. There is much to be done still and most of the requirements to completing the full task at hand, can not be done without her. And according to my son, she is far more advanced than you had informed me not too long ago."

"Forgive me Sir for mentioning this but your son is not necessarily equipped to handle either Cydni nor Remington."

"You dare to cast doubt upon my son?!" I snapped.

With just the look of fear in their eyes the moment I snapped my head at them, I knew they instantly had regret in saying such an insult.

"Sorry Sir. Please forgive me." They dropped to their knees.

"This is your last chance. If you do not deliver her to me within three weeks, then you shall have to pay for your misgivings." I warned.

If only that pathetic boy that night had not interrupted Cydni and I, none of this would be an issue. Now, since I am vastly weak at the moment, I have no choice but to trust my son and this pathetic piece of shit to help me in the meantime.

The future is mine and ALL will bow to me. There will no more compromising between humans and our kind amongst others. Even the wolves (especially the werewolves) will be put into their place and I will make sure that them, among the others, become my servants and forever live to serve me.

Next chapter will be posted tomorrow because this one is short on purpose and I have to edit the other one tonight. So look for the next chapter tomorrow (aka Sunday) and in which will be as long as all the other chapters are and have been. :):)

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