CHAPTER 13: Saturday Night

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I can't believe he asked me to go to a party he was having. I have never been to one and think I will be the only witch there since he had mentioned to me at dinner that he wasn't too fond of witches, though he didn't mind them. Which was typical with wolves in general.

Maybe he saw I was different than most are? Maybe he asked me out of pity? Then there's the possibility I am just over thinking all of this.

While the next couple of days seemed to fly by quicker than I would have liked, it was now Saturday and I still wasn't planning on going to his party.

Throughout the past couple of days, I have noticed in the halls while walking past him he was in a way kind of ignoring me and not giving me any eye contact. I didn't at first take it personal but then for some reason felt like it was an asshole move to be friendly at times and then the next moment be an ass and act as though as if he doesn't know me. I mean, is he embarrassed or something? Does he love playing these immature games? Cause I sure as hell don't!

After class I had decided to do what I do most of the time and stay in, study for a big exam coming up and focus on everything BUT Remington.

After what felt like forever in studying, the moment I took a break and tried resting my eyes a little bit, I looked at the clock and noticed that it has only been three hours and yet feels like longer that I have been studying.

I also took notice that it has been almost two hours since Remington's party had started and don't ask why but something deep down told me to get up, find something decent to wear and get ready to stop by the party real fast.

Strictly out of curiosity, of course.

The entire time I was walking over towards the West end, I kept trying to convince myself to turn around and go back to my dorm but my feet had other plans.

The moment I started getting closer, I could hear the loud music playing and looking up at the top floor of the building, I right away noticed people yelling and cheering and overall having a great time.

The moment I stepped off the elevator I could see at the end of the hallway, there were people standing out of the room and I saw some were standing around talking, drinking and some were even hooking up with each other.

Then I started noticing people looking at me giving me all sorts of looks and made me feel like this was a mistake. However, I somehow managed to push through and walk inside where many people were hanging out and was a little bit hard to walk around.

I right away started to look for Remington and couldn't find him. Although I did run into somebody I should have already known was going to be here.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Morgan snaps at me after she notices I have just walked in and scowls before downing the last of her drink then getting off some guys lap and stomping over towards me.

"I was invited." I tell her.

"Bullshit you were! What did I tell you about being around me unless mother says otherwise!? Now leave before you embarrass yourself!" She states.

"You mean before you are embarrassed." I say under my breath but she hears me.

"What was that?" She snaps at me again.

Already I saw people starting to look at us and any minute were going to start chanting for us to fight, in which I didn't want.

She is right though on the other hand. I shouldn't be here. I am risking having more attention drawn to me than I want since I ready have the bad attention from others because of me being able to skip from Freshman all the way to Senior classes. so I don't need to add to that.

However, before I could do or say anything else, I heard a familiar voice from a distance behind her that made the entire party go silent and the music stop.

"HEY!" Remington's voice shouted as I saw him walk through the crowd while they parted out of his way quickly as he walked towards us.

"Remington. I am so sorry. I was just now having her leave." Morgan starts telling him.

"This isn't your party or dorm - first of all. Second, I don't remember ever inviting your skanky-bitch-ass here. And lastly, I invited her." He tells her. "Do you dare to disrespect my guests?"

She immediately coward at his tone and right away apologized once again to him.

"I-I'm so sorry, Alpha Remington." She states with fear.

I have never seen her be this fearful in my entire existence. This was something new.

"You should be!" He states firmly and then looks at me before looking behind him real quick and having the DJ turn the music back up with a nod of his head.

Everybody starts dancing and quickly seems to forget what actually just happened while Morgan quickly glares at me before storming out.

Now, it's just Remington and I standing a couple feet apart from each other and he smiles at me.

He next takes my hand and begins to guide us through the crowd of people before we stop in the kitchen where not too many are standing around at and he begins to name off some drinks.

I end up choosing a soda then he grabs a platter of food that has a variety of different things before grabbing a few beers and taking my hand again while grabbing with his mouth at the last minute, some chips, causing me to laugh a little bit as he nodded his head to flow him.

Once again, we made our way through the crowd and then went into a room that he soon tells me was an extra bedroom but that he uses instead for a game room.

We then sit down on two of the biggest bean bags I have ever seen that could fit maybe three people on each one and snacked while hanging out.

I was surprised by so far, every thing that has happened in the last almost half hour.

I hate to admit it but I'm glad I came tonight after all.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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